THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Amy Klobuchar apparently got a delegate despite dropping out before Super Tuesday.

lol Democratic Party forever and always

Anyway, it’s a dog fight between Bernie and Biden now. Bernie’s gotta know that it ain’t the size of the dog in the fight though. Gotta go to the end no matter what.


So I still have a couple grand before I hit the limit on Bernie contributions. Have we given up or should I YOLO it?


All my life people have been telling me I need to vote for the lesser of two evils because SCOTUS, because down ballot races, because the alternatives are worse, etc. etc.

Republicans currently control:

  • The Presidency (and probably the next one too)
  • 5/9 SCOTUS seats (probably soon to be 6)
  • 7/13 Federal appeals courts
  • 53/100 Senate seats
  • 26 governorships
  • 29 state legislatures

In my lifetime, inequality has skyrocketed. Real wages have flatlined. Incarceration rates are shockingly higher than any other developed nation on earth. Gun violence is beyond dystopian. The climate is already ruined. All our freedoms have been eroded. Privacy is gone. Everyone under 50 has collective financial expectations worse than their parents. Dying people routinely have to beg for money for medical treatment. We are still actively fighting wars that serve absolutely no purpose.

The only two bright spots are that gay people can get married and it’s legal to smoke weed in a handful of states. That’s pretty much the full fucking extent of lefitivist progress over the past half century.

And now y’all are telling me I have to vote for another centrist Dem because the alternatives might be worse? Almost everything has literally been getting worse my entire fucking life. If the Democrats want my vote in November they need a better argument, because the one they’ve been using is demonstrable bullshit.


Well, at least there is a legitimate chance Biden will die from covid-19 by July. Not great, but definitely non-zero.

Also COVID19. Bernie needs to stay in to leverage some kind of concessions out of team Biden.

Cuellar is the archetype Republican in Dem clothing. The Texas Observer had an article on him. Basically cut a deal with the Republicans when they gerrymandered to give him a seat. Still lost if I remember correctly, ran again and some how some ballots were ‘found’ that helped him win. He basically votes as a Republican on everything, but he’s worked with Republicans and establishment Dems to bring in a lot of bacon and has consolidated the political structure around him and his family so no one would dare run against him. His siblings are now in political positions around the county.

Also a ton of sanctimonious, “Dems need to reach out to more people and not be so extreme” as he’s raking in the dough from the Kochs. He really is the worst.




Sorry but this is still stuck in my craw. Like, why in the fuck would you post this? Did you think his joke made a good point?

I mean look at the brain worm shit in the replies:

Oh hey, there was a guy running totally all about that!

Ah yes, who can forget “We’re gonna build a wall of social democracy and The Blacks are gonna pay for it!”

Real brain worm hours.

Here’s a bonus from the same fellow:

Here’s the actual answer:


Really looking forward to Bernie being blamed for Biden losing because he stayed in the race until April or something.

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Nobody sees the irony of pre-complaining about Bernie bro’s being blamed for him not dropping out to support the front runner literally 12 hours after a ton of posts blaming warren for not dropping out to support Bernie.


Difference is that one person actually has a chance to win while the other exists solely to fuck over Bernie.

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Actually, Bernie should have dropped out (or, really, never run in the first place) and endorsed Warren. That comes off like a troll post, but it’s true.


He tried to do that in 2016.

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If Bernie runs as a 3rd party in the general I might see the resemblance, otherwise, no I don’t see the ironing.

r u fucken srs


Read this again and tell me you are being rational. Who exists sorely to fuck over Bernie?

Fuck yeah. Falling into despair and quitting is what they’re counting on. Not happening.

We should get a Milwaukee thread going. I’d be honored to learn what tear gas smells like with many of you guys and gals.


Warren obviously. She’s in to split the progressive vote which weakens Sanders.

She literally has no path to winning. You have to be smart enough to see this, right?

If I didn’t have kids I’d be gone to Costa Rica or something. Once they graduate high school, I’m out.

And to Cuse’s point somewhere, the Sanders agenda would cost me millions in my lifetime. I’m just completely out of energy to fight on behalf of morons who can’t even show up to vote their own self interest.