The Sacredest Of Sacred Cows: Getting Coffee During A Pandemic

Hey! I’ve moved on up to pissing in 5L jugs of water and cooking my own meals w/veggies and shit while mashing my buttons. No more pizza and Mtn. Dew for this fella, thank you very much.


We used to eat out quite a bit before this. We haven’t done takeout or delivery for 6 weeks now.

But, my county seems to have things mostly under control. We’ve been holding steady at 0-2 new cases a day for the last week. My county is population ~250,000.

We’re starting to crack at home and I think we’re going to do takeout here sometime soon. Other than that, we’re not taking any additional risks, though I have FELT better going to the store every other week or so. The first few times I went it was pretty anxiety inducing.


I completely get where you’re coming from, but the way I see it, they are probably 100 times more likely to get it at work than at a Starbucks. This doesn’t move the needle at all.

I mean, I’m not sure I’d be going anywhere if I was in healthcare (I’m in retail and never leave the home except for work) but I’m finding it difficult to be outraged by this

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Check the poll. You’re in the minority. Most of us believe, based on being covid junkies for months, thst a brief Starbucks transaction is extremely low risk and not worth freaking out about.

He has already answered that someone who is confirmed positive would be an asshole to go to Starbucks. But also front line healthcare workers who are sure they’re going to get it sooner rather than later deserve that free cup of coffee and it is paranoia to suggest they make some Folgers at home.

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I hate to break it to you, but everyone is going to be exposed to COVID over the next 12 months. Societies can’t stay on lockdown indefinitely.

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There might have been some hyperbole in that “sure you’re going to get it” thing. And even if so there’s about 2-3 days of asymptomatic transmission which mask will massively cut down on. Even the CDC doesn’t think a 15 second encounter around a known infected person, not wearing a mask, is something to freak out about.

Use some common sense and realize how low the risk really is.

If 15 seconds of handing over a cup of coffee, while both parties are wearing masks, was enough to get it - R0 would be like 100 and we’d all have gotten it a long time ago.

Are you also pissed at the dumb Starbucks worker for going into his pointless job and tempting people to stupidly go out and get coffee? Yeah, you probably are, lol.

It’s a fucked up situation and people have a right to deal with it as they like within reason. You have chosen to sit in a corner stewing at people seeking banal pleasures. Good for you.

You should feel ashamed of drinking Starbucks coffee during normal times.


I mean, hey, yeah, there are these people risking their lives every single fucking day, but they should be punished and can’t get food or coffee. Also, we should take their kids away and award custody to the parent that isn’t risking his/her life every single day. Yeah, that sounds like a great system.

Fuck first responders is a pretty hot take. Didn’t expect I’d see it from this forum, but here we are.

Everything is on a sliding scale - there’s 2-3 days where one of them could be asymptomatic and contagious if they get it, which is far from a given, and the risk is still infinitesimal by the CDC guidelines (10 minutes vs. 15 seconds - and that’s not even assuming either party is wearing a mask or taking the other kinds of precautions Starbucks takes).

The added infinitesimal risk is the least benefit we can extend them for being heroes imo.

Let’s just start purity testing our level of self isolation, since we dont already have enough purity testing here


Literally nobody is arguing that they themselves deserve to go get a latte right now. They are arguing that first responders who are risking their lives every single day so you can hide in your home are. Stop changing the facts to suit your argument.

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Yeah fuck anyone for going to the grocery store if they can afford insta-cart. YOU ARE PUTTING LIVES AT RISK UNNECESSARILY.

Oh wait. But that’s different because reasons.

Hey, since you @‘d me, how about both my wife and I ARE going into our essential government jobs and interacting with people multiple days a week so people like you can cower in your homes and criticize.

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Lmao get the fuck out with this. I’m not saying fuck first responders, I’m saying it is fucking mind blowing that someone in the medical profession would even THINK like “meh I’m probably getting sick either way, may as well get that sweet Pikes Place Roast”.

I expect everyone to think this way, but especially healthcare workers, yes. The fact that you think it’s somehow PUNITIVE to suggest that healthcare workers take extra precautions against spreading a deadly virus in the midst of a pandemic reflects pretty well the attitudes that are driving these people to protest at their state capitals begging to reopen their states. Sure sure, we’re in a pandemic, but expecting nurses to brew a pot of coffee in the morning is just draconian!


I think setting up a system where frontline healthcare workers can’t even get a fucking cup of coffee, or where they lose custody of their kids (yeah thats happenning too), is fucking terrible, yeah.

First it was stay at home for two weeks or so because even though we are all going it and it’s a relatively low risk of death we need to flatten curve so we don’t run out of ventilators because it would be really sad if we didn’t have the equipment to avoid preventable deaths.

Now we are 6 weeks into this thing w/ no end in sight, there is no fear of running out of ventilators (correct me if I’m wrong) and you are berating nurses for ordering a cup of coffee. Fuck you, I didn’t sign up for this bullshit.

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The last time I left my apartment building was March 13th. What do I win?