The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

Jfc. Google RJ and limit the results to the last week. If that’s not a coordinated campaign…

But ya, the National review, the wash examiner, the daily caller all sucking each other off. Must be true.

Again not saying she is a Saint and easily could be a whack job, but the NR article is a hit piece with no way to verify anything.

The anti opinion is fine. The certitude is not supportable.

I read the NR article and clicked on the links in it to the source material. I did the same with the Jones blog post and your daily Kos article. This isn’t like “oh the NR guy said it and I’m taking his word for it”. It’s looking at what Jones says and seeing it’s consistently bullshit.


This seems familiar in tone and tactic. It’s like there is a playbook.

That said it doesn’t prove anything, just interesting.

Right, like this is from that Kos article:

If you want the real story, turn to a local Florida PBS channel, which distills it down to two irrefutable sentences — which are backed by actual documents they obtained from the state.

" Internal emails at the [Florida health] department confirm that her [Rebekah Jones] superiors asked her to remove raw data from the dashboard after new reports showed the disease circulating in Florida as early as January. If she did, no outside party would be able to analyze the data. But Jones refused."

But what those internal emails are talking about is what you mention here, a temporary take-down of data pending a review of it. If you follow the rabbit-hole down, you find out that this data that Jones was asked to “delete” (which she didn’t refuse to do, by the way) was restored to the dashboard within 24 hours.

I said that this was the left’s election conspiracy but it’s more like the left’s Benghazi, in that 95% of the people who were mad about that couldn’t even explain what Clinton had supposedly done. We’re many months into this supposed scandal now and nobody can even articulate what Jones was asked to do that was nefarious. It’s all just “fudge the numbers” and “delete data” but as soon as you want any specifics, there’s no “there” there.

Edit: The only other point the DailyKos article makes is that other people have accused DeSantis of spin or impropriety or whatever, which doesn’t make Jones’s accusations true, that’s just an obvious fallacy. I especially liked this bit:

Again and again, the National Review has tried to insist Florida’s numbers were perfect — at one point, Cooke actually called them “kosher!”

Jones - by her own admission - uses Florida’s numbers on her own site. The numbers are accurate, she simply disagrees with how best to present them.


“The lefts Benghazi” lmao

Of course she just screenshots random shit rather than actually linking to wherever she is getting this from. This is Rebekah’s standard M.O. so that she can spin things however she likes. I can’t find the actual report but the media report on it says this:

On May 17, the accreditation board issued its gentlest reprimand, saying that while the health department was generally in line with accreditation standards, it should have done a better job sharing the data it had with the public.

And this:

The president of the accreditation board, Paul Kuehnert, who oversaw the investigation, said the board took the complaint “very seriously” and emphasized that while there was nothing concerning about the department’s data collection or analysis there was room for improvement in public communications.

Based on what we have seen with Florida, the professionals at the Department of Health are doing a really excellent job,” Kuehnert said.

The complaint was about the FDH’s coordination with school districts specifically, as can be seen here:

“This complaint has highlighted the importance of the health department having strong relationships with key partners — in this case, school districts — to facilitate timely collection and dissemination of data during an emergency,” wrote Wilma Wooten, chairwoman of the accreditation committee, in a memo dated March 22.

This has nothing to do with Rebekah’s firing, which concerned the dashboard reporting general community case data. It is just not the case that every single complaint or criticism about Florida’s handling of COVID vindicates Rebekah’s allegations specifically.


I was coming in here to post exactly this. I also can’t find the underlying report, but this news story is the one that Rebekah Jones herself tweeted:

I have absolutely no idea how someone could read this story and think that it in any way supports Jones.

@Danspartan , you posted this tweet. In your opinion, what new information does it introduce about Rebekah Jones?

I’m just throwing chum to the sharks.

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lol at still paying attention to this grifter

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Local news putting in some work!

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About that….

WPEC , virtual channel 12 (VHF digital channel 13), is a CBS-affiliated television station licensedto West Palm Beach, Florida, United States, serving the Gold and Treasure Coasts of South Florida. The station is owned by the [Sinclair Broadcast Group](Sinclair Broadcast Group - Wikipedia)

Do you think the quotes are fabricated or something? It’s a straight news piece! There’s a completely accurate critique of the article that it relies a bit heavily on FDOH sources who are anonymous for no clear reason, but it’s borderline nihilistic to just write off all facts if they originate from someone who works for a company whose ownership has political views you don’t agree with. The whole point of facts is that they’re objective.

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Please share what are facts vs what someone in the Desantis administration are claiming as facts. It’s called gaslighting for a reason.

I’m just saying that the sources of all the negative information are quite circular and narrow.

Mainstream news, the person or board determining whistleblower status and several reputable professional organizations continue to back her.

So why don’t we reserve judgment. I’m willing to allow that you make be correct. I just don’t see independent confirmation. It’s not that I don’t agree with Sinclair, it’s that I don’t trust them or their sources (which are the same as every other article). There has been a recent coordinated effort against RJ online which also raises an eyebrow as to the veracity of the claims.

But you do you. I just don’t understand the certainty of the position.

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is there a republican piece of trash you won’t glom onto to take a shot at Jones?

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Starting to think Ron himself is itt.

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