The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

No. The thrust is about OFS arguments published in the Atlantic and news interviews.

Is there an association in RJs mind with her treatment in Florida. No clue. Not how I read it but I’m not trustworthy so who knows.

Let me get this straight. She starts with “Unless someone sends police to raid my house, I don’t enjoy calling out individuals”. Then, in the next sentence, she calls out an individual. And you can’t tell if she associates the two things. Really? You have “no clue”? That’s a mystery to you?


Is “someone” in that sentence the cops and so all bets are off, or that professor in which case that professor is going under the bus?

The only thing I actually know about Prof. Oster’s work is from reading her popular book on childbirth and pregnancy, which is extremely good and, as far as I could tell, she didn’t misstate any statistics by 7 orders of magnitude. On a personal note, that book meant something to both me and my wife during challenging times, which is why I find it so very annoying that you’re constantly slandering her and her work at the behest of a crank.


Is this really that hard? She is not saying Oster sent the cops. She is saying that Oster’s actions were (in part) responsible for the cops being sent.

Not a causal link. A link in attitudes but A does not beget B.

ie the rhetoric for OFS in many places but in her case specifically Florida is driving The governments attitude toward OFS and her specifically due to her campaign against OFS.

Oster is an example. She didn’t call DeSantis up and say “Hassle Jones”.

Dafuq? So you’re saying that she that

  1. She doesn’t like to call out individuals
  2. Being raided by the police makes her change that stance
  3. As a result of the change in her stance she is now inclined to call out individuals. But only individuals who have nothing at all to do with #2.

That’s what we’re going with?

If “Oster is SO BAD that despite my objection to calling people out, I MUST call her out.” Then what does being raided by the police have to do with anything? If that’s her position, she would call her out raid or no raid, because “Oster is SO BAD”.

She is saying that normally she would only call out the people responsible for the raid, but she’s making an exception for this Ouster person because of how terrible she thinks she is.


And it’s anyone’s prerogative to call out anyone for any reason. She is just stating her frame of mind. But I’m looking for the dissertation level arguments of what is self inconsistent With her statements of who and why she can call out people and then a call to the calling out police to raid her house for failing to call out properly, assuming she takes the cops call in timely manner re: the charge of miscalling out.

This is a containment thread meant for

1 RJ related stuff
2 bad faith arguments
3 rehash of the OFS debate, particularly as it pertains to RJ and tangentially EO and the economists.

The hypothetical is doing a lot of work there.

Basically your argument boils down to, “I don’t think she meant to say that, even though a plain reading of the text suggests otherwise”.

I’m with you on the meaning of what Jones wrote, but I do feel compelled to point out that the reason she referenced the raid on her house is actually branding–Rebekah Jones truefans will obviously lap this up just from the name, but you’re not gonna go viral among the normies if the tweet looks like what it is (a nutter ranting about some academic no one’s ever heard of), so she gives those people a hook to remember who she is.


Once again, there is really no reason to mention the raid if that’s the case.

If you say, “this person is so awful, I have to call them out.” No one is going to come back with well you called out the people who raided your house, so obviously you have a low threshold for call outs.

Maybe that’s the motive, but in doing that she has changed the meaning from what you think she is saying to something else.

Well maybe there is no reason she has to, but people talk/write like that all the time.

Like I said, once you start doing that you’re reading her mind, rather than her text.

Her text tells me exactly what she meant to convey. I have no idea what your point is about reading her mind.