The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

Look guys I don’t know what to tell you. If your position is that if someone reads this:

“Unless someone sends police to raid my house, I don’t enjoy calling out individuals. But the damage done by @ProfEmilyOster cannot be overstated”

The reader is supposed to understand that Rebekah thinks that Emily had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the raid, that’s an extremely charitable interpretation at best.


Naw man. Consider: ‘I don’t normally recommend horror movies, but Gremlins 2: The New Batch is an incredible artistic achievement.’ The speaker isn’t saying that Gremlins 2 is not a horror movie, they’re noting the fact that the recommendation is out of character for them to make it seem more impressive. It’s exactly the same as what RJ is doing.


I just dragged my cursor over the text and copy pasted. I’ll go back and put the full thing in if it makes you feel better. Doesn’t change a thing.

I don’t blame any readers for getting confused. She wrote it in a weird way. But I don’t have to read her mind to understand what she meant. And if you’re not certain what she meant, that’s fine.

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If it’s uncertain what she meant, then deciding what she meant certainly requires mind-readin to some degree.

It’s not uncertain to me. But I understand that it’s uncertain to you, because you are telling me it is. I believe you!

You’ve got to pick one:

If you accept that there could be more than one interpretation, but you’ve decided that one of those is definitely the right one, you’re mind-reading.

I’m saying that I’m certain what the text says. I freely admit that she could be trying to say something other than what the text says. But I’m not going to mind-read her.

Wait, so in this case the speaker is saying that Gremlins 2 is a horror movie? If so, that’s more or less in line with my interpretation.

Not really. I think I know exactly what she meant, but can see why the way she wrote it would confuse some people. And I’m done here before people start complaining about the derail.

This is what I mean by mind-reading.

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I’m prepared to be savaged viciously for what I’m about to say, but would anybody care about this person one way or the other if she weren’t like a 7-8 (and an 11 for nerds because she does the data on the Internets)? I don’t really understand either the steadfast support or the assiduous gumshoeing of a largely insignificant twitter account.

I hope Seth Abramson gets raided, I wonder if that thread gets 30 posts.

Here’s another way you can think about it. Take her tweet (I won’t copy/paste again to offend goofy’s delicate sensibilites). Now imagine you read that at the beginning of her text and then a couple of paragraphs later she says “If it wasn’t for Emily, my house would not have been raided”.

Would your reaction have really been “Well, based on those first two sentences, I never saw that coming”

Ask someone who has never seen or heard of Borat and get back to me.

Also, and very importantly, “don’t enjoy” is significantly different from the “unless” in her tweet. I know how you’re a stickler about the original text. So, I’ll assume that alteration was just an oversight on your part.

Goddamn it you idiots are letting dan spartan off the hook for demanding more critiques of someone’s work without himself evaluating it or responding to the previous critiques he demanded of Jones’s work by fighting over this nonsense.


You’re not wrong.

But Dan’s never going to respond to the critiques of Jones’ substance.

Idiot is a hurtful word, you moran.

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Which is why no one should respond to, let alone argue about, Dan reposting Jones’ bullshit ITT.

The fact that there is obviously more than one way to read this thread (rightly or wrongly) should have ended the discussion.

Well when we get to the part that known nutjob Rebekah definitely knows that Emily had nothing to do with the raid, then we might have something.

If I “don’t enjoy” something. It doesn’t mean I don’t do it. It means that I don’t enjoy doing it. So I may do it sometimes, but just not enjoy it.

If I say I don’t do something UNLESS X condition is met, and then I do that thing, then the logical assumption is that X condition has been met. That is what ‘unless’ means.