The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

wat, no, don’t lock this thread. If you don’t love it leave it.

I don’t think he’s defending her work, I think he’s saying it’s orthogonal to the cops behavior. Just like your slut shamming above.


If you can’t figure out what’s been happening itt I can’t help you.

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I was cuck shaming! She’s out there living her best life, good for her.

Paging @clovis8

Streisand effect

You two are really classing up the joint.

:) :heart:

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What does she claim to have whistleblown about? Like, she said she was fired for refusing to publish fake statistics but even though she set up a whole covid data website she hasn’t said what exactly she refused to publish, and what should have been published instead. Sending a message over the emergency alert system saying “speak up before another 17,000 die” is not being a whistleblower.

If she’s got some whistles to blow I’d really like to hear about them!


If you’re saying you’re not defending her work then I for sure can’t figure out what’s happening in this thread. Like you link to that hilarious paper and are all like look, this is legit, someone tell me what’s wrong with it.

Bunch of people: tell you what’s wrong with it.

Dan Spartan: mods please help, close the thread immediately.

OK maybe I did figure out what happened itt.


I don’t want to speak for @anon10396289, but these are the two posts that got my panties in a bunch.

It sure seems like you’re defending completely ludicrous work. Or at a minimum, working from the assumption that it’s likely solid. And imo it clearly isn’t.


Again, no one is justifying or minimizing the cops’ behavior here. That’s a chickenshit slander you’re making up to try and distract people from the fact that you keep citing a fairly transparent charlatan and you’re too arrogant or insular to notice when people repeatedly point it out to you, with receipts.

Personally, I would be interested to hear your view on the paper you cited and the critiques of it that you specifically asked for. Or failing that, a simple “thanks” would do. It’s quite disrespectful to ask for people’s view on something, get those views, and then toss a bunch of vague insults around instead of engaging with, or even acknowledging, the responses you got.


Maybe Trolly can explain it to you. I give up.

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That sounds like an emergency!



So your plan is to win this argument, by not trying to win?


Oh so close. But not quite.

From a technical standpoint the bolded is good evidence but wouldn’t be 100% proof. I can think of a few technical ways that the IP evidence could be real but that the message was sent by somebody else. There’s also the mundane argument that somebody else used her computer to send the message. (Please note, I’m not saying I think that is likely.)

Personally, I think she probably did it based on the “evidence” that’s been reported. But whether or not the state can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal trial, I don’t know. If she can get a lawyer who is reasonably technically savvy, or at least is savvy enough to hire a competent expert witness to rebut the IP evidence, I’d think she might have a chance of getting acquitted by a jury of her “peers.”

Idk, I don’t have any experience with this so like maybe white collar criminal defense attorneys will have a different take, but I’d be hard pressed to advise a client to go to trial in the hopes that we can hoodwink a technically illiterate jury with lies.

I’m assuming she will get a plea offer with no jail time for this, but maybe that’s way off.

Whatever the problems are with Jones’s data analysis or her home/sex/personal/work life (and they may very well be significant), they are nothing compared to damage Governor DePlorable has done. Every moment spent in critique of her takes attention away from the real villains in this tragedy.

She may not be the most reliable source. She may even be horrible and wrong in her conclusions. Fine. We’ve been enlightened. Now just recognize that when her work is referenced here or anywhere, it is in service of uncovering the truth of what’s going on in a state that has manipulated and lied its way through public disclosure of the facts from the start.

I mean the whole point is that she has never demonstrated this as far as any of us have seen! If she actually has demonstrated this, show us how she did so.

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Charlatans on the left raising money and influence by citing fraudulent statistics and baseless claims of government suppression are very much villains in this story.

She’s doing the Shaun King routine.