The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

If she got the swat treatment for this, anyone talking about anything else is missing the point to the point of absurdity.

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Everyone agrees that the cops shouldnā€™t have had their guns drawn! Thereā€™s nothing to talk about.

@Danspartan, there are only 7 or 8 billion humans on Earth. This lady is claiming that 100 billion FL students (and 1.4 trillion ā€œunspecifiedā€ people in FL schools) have pozzed. Doesnā€™t that make it safe to ignore her claim of a coverup conspiracy being the reason for her firing? Do we really need to pore over all the ā€œdataā€ she presents if thatā€™s what passes for data in her brain? I would have fired her too if she was unwilling to delete 1.5 trillion ā€œcasesā€ from her report.

Donā€™t get me wrong: of course she shouldnā€™t have been raided, nor charged with 1337 h4x, and the police should be defunded and DeSantis should catch Covid and die from it.

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Ok. Thread locked.


no, the whole point has been to draw attention to lying of state officials and the death of thousands because of those lies. this point still stands even if her data analysis doesnā€™t live up to scrutiny.

OK. What lies has Jones exposed?

never wrote she has exposed anything.

stanning for DeSantis and suggesting that heā€™s been honest with his constituents is the hottest of takes tho.

I donā€™t know if heā€™s been honest or not. If he hasnā€™t been honest, that needs to be demonstrated. People ITT are saying that Jones hasnā€™t demonstrated any wrongdoing by Florida and DeSantis; if you agree you should probably stop arguing with them.

Which is, of course, different from saying that DeSantis has done nothing wrong. No one is saying that.

this is acknowledged in the first post of mine you responded to. itā€™s possible to draw attention to something even without exposing it

both sides

I still donā€™t have any idea what youā€™re talking about. What misdeeds of DeSantis has Jonesā€™ work drawn attention to?

If you donā€™t think DeSantis has been lying from jump, then youā€™re a bigger problem than Jones is.

I was just asking what he was lying about. And how Jones helped draw attention to his misdeeds. Is the Florida covid reporting wrong? Perusing their web site they seem to have a lot of data publicly available. Whatā€™s wrong with their data? The only controversy Iā€™ve seen with Floridaā€™s Covid data is that they use an unusual method for calculating positive test rate, which leads to a lower result, like a percent or two lower than the WHO calculation. But you can calculate the WHO rate with their public data, and the formula they use is public. So, it doesnā€™t seem all that egregious.

agreed. but in this case one is a nutter who has questionable taste in men and the other is killing people with his decisions

Your attempts to land a high note to go out on are getting feebler.


Hereā€™s a piece that goes back to May.

If heā€™s had a change of heart and approach since then, my bad, and obviously they are just both different flavors of suck.


Nice new avi, mang

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Thank you sir. :heart:

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Do we know what hardware was seized? Why is the FBI involved?


Donā€™t get me wrong, Spider is obviously correct, but there have been many posters who have said the exact same thing repeatedly.

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The warrant is paywalled now but it was a broad request for seizure of all computer hardware on site (computers, flash drives, etc) so I assume thatā€™s what was taken. It just looked like a generic cut and paste job where theyā€™re like ā€œget all the computer thingsā€.

Jones, or I guess Rebekah Danielle as her last GoFundMe refers to her, hasnā€™t been charged with anything but the investigation is for breach of state law 815.06(2)(a) and under the jurisdiction of FDLE. I donā€™t know why they had an FBI agent as the affiant. Maybe requiring Comcast to reveal which service the IP was assigned to is under federal jurisdiction, maybe FDLE just donā€™t have computer forensics capability.