The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

Holy shit, the 3,196th public report must have been a massive one. It added roughly 900 billion cases.



must have been from the galactic empire


Wait, so do you think that she didn’t actually do the thing she’s accused of, or that she did and it’s not a big deal?

What the fuck is this?

Oh, just Keed being an asshole again.

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No, that was ridiculously excessive. You can use some fucking discretion based upon the target of your search warrant.

Do you know how expensive a good attorney is taking a case through trial on a white collar case? The answer is, very expensive.

This, 100 percent this, at every level. This is fucking beyond stupid. The solution to her using her login to send a text message should have been… change the fucking password. Use some fucking discretion, holy shit.



There is just no justification for the level of certainty claimed. That’s it.

Oh and there is some acceptance/minimization/normalization of how the cops went in that I can’t wrap my a head around.

We should all be sheeple when the police knock on the door. Otherwise we deserves whats we get.

I mean, it’s pretty certain that the data in that paper you linked to is nonsense, wrong, and internally inconsistent. Right?

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The resident “Libertarians” giggling at the cops waving guns around some woman’s family is not the best look.


Good lawyers probably wouldn’t let her go on cable news to discuss what crimes she thinks she might be charged with though, so I’m guess she’ll hire a bad lawyer instead.

She sounds cray. Police actions are still ridiculous. She used a password shared by everyone to send a text message to former coworkers. Am I reading that right? That’s a “change the password and move on” situation, not a fucking guns drawn execute a search warrant situation.


This is the only part of the story that I’m interested in. I have no idea how this person has gotten so much credibility in terms of data/analysis, and the linked paper seems obviously preposterous.

But me being skeptical of her COVID-related work doesn’t mean that I think the cops behaved appropriately in any way.


There are certainly error[quote=“spidercrab, post:223, topic:3422”]
But me being skeptical of her COVID-related work doesn’t mean that I think the cops behaved appropriately in any way.

Nicely said spider.

Fair point.

There’s no way this goes to trial though right? It’s completely straightforward - they have her IP address and will be able to prove that she did it. It’s possible that there’s some ambiguity in the language of whatever statute they’re charging her under, but this just doesn’t seem like it would be all that expensive to litigate. The penalties for a first time offender for this have to be almost zilch, also.

of course

The following can all be true

She’s nutters in her personal life
She’s sloppy with her data and analysis
She did or did not send the message-doesn’t matter
DeSantis asked her to lie
She is a genuine whistleblower
She delayed answering the cops
The cops were way the F over the line for both situation and alleged offense.

Some or these can be false. But the last one about the cops is def true and while denied, multiple other posters seem to have the impression that a few folks don’t realize they have justified or minimized what the cops did.

@moderators I’d suggest just locking this thread. It’s going nowhere. For my part I will not refer to her data in the covid thread.

Anything on the police action can move to that thread.

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So I don’t get why you’re defending her work when it frankly makes no sense on any level.

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