The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

Why do certain people put everyone on a pedestal who opposes Trump, is mildly ok on Covid or opposes people like DeSantis?

We don’t have to praise Cuomo, Rick Wilson, this woman and the countless others using the media to paper over their inconsistencies/past. There doesn’t have to be a hero in every story, you don’t have to take a side!

She’s had two jobs as an adult, gotten fired/charged from both!

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I’m glad we finally have our very own Amanda Knox thread.


I read a copy of the affidavit requesting the search warrant. The affiant is an FBI agent and says exactly what you’d expect. Checking the logs on the messaging system revealed that the message came from a Comcast IPv6 address. Checking with Comcast revealed that IP address was assigned to a service owned by one Rebekah Jones. She could have just used a VPN and been fine, probably.

Who was the person that posted thousands of times in that thread? I read maybe ~10 posts then noped the fuck out

henry or something like that?

Yes, that weird dude.

Henry17 I think. I spent a little while thinking she was guilty before realising that in fact the Italian justice system is top to bottom corrupt and they were just blatantly manufacturing forensic evidence.

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[podcaster voice] And that’s why I trust Nord VPN…

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I really shouldn’t do this but…


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You forgot to quote something there:


Henry posted a lot, but there was some dude with a 3 digit number for a user name who everyone had figured for an astroturfer (because nearly all of his posts were in that thread) or something who posted way more. By a ton.

He was the main guy who thought she was innocent.

Henry thought she did it.


Oh shit, the FBI’s in on it too??

They haven’t even brought up the pizza place yet.

No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I’m ordering a pizza?


I’m starting to realize that Mad Max was a documentary on Australian policing and citizens acceptance of such.

I’m surprised they didn’t handcuff her to a bumper, set up an explosion and give her a hacksaw.

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Rick Wilson? David Frum? Neera Tanden? George Conway?

OK so Broward county has like two million people, according to wikipedia 21% are under 18 years old. If there were 182.2/1000 pozzed in the period from November 1-November 14, that would be 77,200 cases. Broward County has reported 115,000 cases. Not in those two weeks. Total. Reporting a ten times lower number would be absurd, and she’s reported 10/1000 or higher multiple times in that column. What the hell.

OK I’m looking at this lady’s website. Situation in schools seems dire.


Lol it looks like “public reports” is literally just people telling them “I heard there were 30 cases at the school today”. Seems legit.


or, 30 billion cases

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