The Professional Wrestling Thread

They have Sami/KO/Bloodline stuff to finish up with would be my guess.

Oh ok, I thought they would put the womens match on last which seemed weird with the Cody return.

That makes more sense.

So like… maybe the day after the release of the most heinous police beating comes out, we call an audible on ending our wrestling show by handcuffing and beating an unconcious man?

Just a thought


The Royal Rumble was the first WWE programming I’ve watched in a year. It was…fine?

I’m not sure how they can take such an incredible match concept and make it so boring and predictable, but I guess the Rumbles have been much more misses than hits lately, so maybe it’s tougher than it looks.

This year was maybe a bit predictable, but it felt like it was laid out logically, with spots that made sense as building to potential future matches. The predictability comes from the stipulation of a Wrestlemania title shot. They don’t really gamble with who gets it. It’s hard to argue that they should.

There’s a suspicion that they’ve had problems booking the Royal Rumble since Pat Patterson retired and maybe they’ve had problems putting together a cohesive narrative for an entire match because of last-minute changed dictated by an increasingly erratic Vince McMahon, who wasn’t involved with creative.

The wrestler who impressed me the most in a relatively short stint was Roxanne Perez, who came across as very likable and capable and someone I would want to root for.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1623391881848668161|twgr^737190ca64fdda73fed224e29a5abbb125307660|twcon^s1_&

Tony Khan is possibly a cop.

I got Katie Vick vibes from that MJF promo.

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Excited to watch tonight and see what they do with Sami. Crowd should be epic.

Can they avoid an homage to the Montreal screwjob?

Meh, that had so much more potential.

Yeah, it just kinda felt flat.

Yeah so disappointing. At this point I will actually be more happy if Roman beats Cody at Wrestlemania.

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