The Professional Wrestling Thread

Yeah, they’ve booked themselves into a hole with this goddamn Cody shit, so much so that I think it’s likely that he has a Wrestlemania 39 victory written into his contract. I think that the crowd might start to turn against him. Maybe not before WM, but it’s really difficult to imagine him as a mega-face with the title for very long.

And even if you’re shoehorned into this Cody thing, that was still an overbooked mess. Two ref bumps? Come on.

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How is Cody the right play here? Cody’s story is he wants to win the big one for his dad, he can beat anyone for that. Sami vs Roman is a blood feud with a two year story of Roman dominating WWE but no one can stop him until Sami showed up. This would be like if Hollywood Hogan got dethroned by a returning Dustin Rhodes instead of Sting.

They already seem to have buried Sami? He went from challenging for the title, at home, for the biggest pop the company has seen in a decade to… a beef with Barron Corbin 2 nights later? Didn’t watch Monday because I was put off by how they handled Saturday, so I might’ve missed some nuance/storytelling there.

“Wait for the story to finish being told”

Was listening to the AE podcast episode of Summerslam 05 yesterday while out walking with my wife. One of the hosts got to cracking up about Hogan’s awful blade job in that match which made me do the same, and she eventually asked me what I was laughing at. So I gave her a brief rundown of the shitshow that was the main event (she is not a wrestling fan) and she asked me to show her the match when we got home.

She loved it. She loved the absuddity of Michael’s selling. She loved Shawn’s arm absolutely soaked in Hogan’s blood. She loved that these two egomaniacs couldnt get their shit together for the second biggest main event of the year. She is fascinated by what absurd assholes both guys are.

Next up, Judgement Day 04

Watched a recent clip of Rampage. Jericho’s long hair looks atrocious. Hes starting to look like Ozzy

Excited to be at tonight’s show.

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As we are sliding into Wrestlemania weekend a lot of the matches seem obvious

Cody obviously beats Roman. Cody clearly felt he had to wrestle in the Hell in a Cell match to make this title shot legit, which for all credit he did. I don’t see how WWE lets him wrestle in Hell in a Cell unless the plan was to let him win here.

Rhea obviously beats Charlotte. Women’s division is stagnant as shit if Rhea doesn’t win. That being said who knows versus Asuka vs Bianca.

Owens and Zayn beating the Usos is the biggest lock of the weekend, and might even headline day 1

But looking at the odds

Somehow Cody Rhodes (-550) is a bigger favorite than Austin Theory (-400). In what possible world does John Cena win against Theory. Yeah Cena kayfabe should be a favorite against Theory. But Cena winning would mean Cena would have to come back to defend the US title. I won’t be surprised if we don’t see Cena coming back to give wrestlers pushes for years to come.

The rumors are that it’s going to be Rhea/Charlotte in this spot, which would be a terrible decision imo.

Unless they have something absolutely incredible planned (Charlotte moonsault from the top of the set or something) that sounds atrocious

Imagine having to follow the tag title match this year. Would be the piss break match to end all piss break matches.

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I’m sure it could’ve happened to anyone trying a…(checks notes)…Canadian Destroyer off a ladder onto a stack of tables.

Don’t watch if squeamish.

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Brutal. Top Flight is cursed.

I’m for cool spots as much as the next guy, but MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.

There is no kayfabe reason for what Penta did at 0:51. The titles are RIGHT THERE.

Bret said it best, “in the old days we’d pretend to hurt each other and people thought it was real but now we hurt each other for real and everyone thinks it’s fake”

But kayfabe wise if penta goes for the belt at 0:51, the other guy is throwing him off the ladder. I mean shoving the dude off or a slam should be enough tho.

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How much does the betting line move when the face comes out surrounded by a throng of Make a Wish kids?

Would totally let someone hit a frog splash on me if I was wearing a puffy mascot outfit.

Since in storyline Dom Mysterio went to jail for a few days, they used some footage of a prison in the promo roll.
