The Professional Wrestling Thread

wrestling options are great, billionaire’s kid failson money vs billionaire’s kids slush money that is now billionaires kids bonesaw money

I have peacock so might tune for the rumble. maybe

Since most people don’t pay attention to professional wrestling — or to anything related to professional wrestling — this story isn’t getting half the media attention it deserves. So just to catch everyone up:

  • Last July, WWE founder and CEO Vince McMahon retired in disgrace amid multiple accusations of sexual misconduct (read: assault) and previously undisclosed hush-money payments.1

The latter eventually triggered a federal investigation by the SEC.2

  • At the same time, the WWE announced that he would be replaced by two co-CEOs. One of them, his daughter Stephanie McMahon, had just announced that she was taking a leave of absence a month before.3

  • Over the following months, the WWE proceeded to rehire 15 wrestlers who Vince had inexplicably fired4, and workplace morale reportedly improved dramatically5; in recent years multiple wrestlers had left the company citing Vince’s mercurial and out-of-touch micromanagement.6 7

  • Amid yet another sexual assault accusation, Vince told the WWE board that he wanted to return.8

When the board unanimously rejected the proposal,9 Vince then leveraged his 80% ownership sale in the company to appoint himself and other allies to the board.10

Finally, just the evening, Stephanie McMahon stepped down as CEO while the board voted for Vince unanimously as chairman.11

Company morale, of course, has crated as multiple wrestlers have voiced fears about getting fired (or re-fired).12

When Vince retired, reporters were nearly unanimous in insisting that he was really gone13 14

, even suggesting that it would be illegal. But readers may recall what I wrote at the time:

Just as he is doing today, Vince McMahon made a big show in 1994 of stepping away from the company….Yesterday, the replacement Chairwoman and CEO was Linda McMahon; today, it’s their daughter Stephanie…Today, no one who looks back at the trial in 1994 really believes that Vince for even one moment gave up control of the company.

…in the case of Vince McMahon and the WWE, there’s really just one thing you need to know, a simple fact that cuts through all of this: as of today, Vince’s share in the company still gives him 80% voting power… Here we see the function of all of this talk of shareholders and corporations and the law: to obscure the brute power that controlling the means of production gives Vince McMahon over his workers… at any given moment, shareholder Vince can decide to appoint a new board that will re-appoint him as CEO.

Power under capitalism comes from ownership. The ruling class has set up such an imminent, byzantine apparatus of management that it’s easy to think that’s where the power comes from; that’s why reporters, watching as Vince abdicated his title as CEO, couldn’t grasp how little this meant. But over the past week, Vince has reminded us: it means everything.

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WWE being sold to Saudi Arabia, eh?

Hope nobody watches that shit anymore.

Possibly not.

Why else would he come back?

#wwesold going wild on twitter

I really hope the Saudis buy it and just run 15 years of payback for all the bad racist 80s and 90s storylines.

Babyface “Hacksaw Mohammed Al-Farroq” in a constant feud with the oppressive and corrupt Tag Team of Sargent Jimmy Flash and Israeli Special Forces Officer Lev Zuckerberg


muhammad hassan finally gets his championship reign

Bring back the Nation of Domination and have them be the top stable in WWE!

Oh please. He has as much chance of buying WWE as I do.

at some point, I’d stop letting your son torch billions of your money on fire but that’s just me and really maybe he can still afford it and dgaf idk

but yeah, I don’t see it either, it’d be really weird though, he’s not running 3 wrestling companies at once (ROH isn’t doing shit and that’s still time he has to waste), everyone back to the WWE he just signed? idk

Wouldn’t they be call conslidated into one promotion if they bought WWE?

I mean he won’t but it’s also an opportunity for him to make the WWE look bad by claiming interest.

A forum poster I trust said it was a car accident.

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Awful news.

The report stated that at approximately 5:09 PM, Briscoe (Jamin Pugh) and his two daughters (ages 9 and 12) were traveling on Laurel Road westbound in their 2019 Chevy Silverado 1500. 27-year-old Lilyanne Ternahan was traveling eastbound in her 2016 Chevy Silverado 2500 and crossed into their lane for unknown reasons. The two trucks then had a head-on collision.

Jay Briscoe was not wearing a seatbelt, but his daughters were “properly restrained”.

Wednesday morning, Ashley Pugh, wife of Jay and mother of the family’s children, posted on Facebook that one of the daughters mentioned above was undergoing back surgery while the other is in stable condition.

Yep, wear your seatbelt everyone. It may or may not have saved him, but it would have given him a damn better chance.

I assume alcohol/drugs/phone distraction from the other car.

I’m reluctant to speculate. For all we know, the other driver had a medical emergency while driving.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1617935642591375361|twgr^3c1a8fab2705521b8f0dc44f351cecd5d23d8a49|twcon^s1_&

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Not watxhing but saw the result of the first match. Why on earth wouldnt you close with that?