The Professional Wrestling Thread

Has there ever been a wargames with the faces having the advantage? That seems like a really dumb idea.

NXT 2021

Was it a dumb idea? Never saw it.

Is Becky going to wrestle the entire match with the giant shoulder pad?

I didn’t watch it. I think the time a face advantage would have worked was in the match with the Dakota Kai turn.

Fack, the MJF show did a pretty bad number. So much for a long reign if it doesn’t pick up. I don’t get why MJF doesn’t lead off the show every week though? IIRC, when Stone Cold and The Rock were red hot, the first thing you heard on Raw was their theme music. Hayter finally has the belt, so we can begin the cooling off process with her, which happens with 90% of title reigns, sigh.

This comment from Cageside Seats is perfect imo:

Indy booking does not draw week to week. It draws from one big show to the next big show with loaded up cards consisting of almost all wrestling and no story. Stories week to week is what draws for weekly TV. We have a booker here who simultaneously claims that he tells long term stories, but has microwaved or completely dropped nearly all of his best stories - Garcia is glaring, but how about… Team Taz just ending with a whimper, FTRs entire explosion in popularity being wasted, HOOK, Miro, Darby stuck in pointless nonsense, but at least he’s still on TV (?) etc.

What character on this show has evolved since they debuted on TV? Some will say Hangman… okay, so how’s that turned out? From top title to barely seen on TV. And I know what happened last night. It was fun. But it was the easiest goddamn way to heat up a feud. Let’s see where the story goes. Tony doesn’t book longterm stories, he has guys circle around each other for what seems like an eternity, never growing, never even changing the style of match… nothing feels special there anymore.

It’s so disappointing b/c I think they’re so close to an incredible product. There’s plenty of talent, there’s just no coherent booking involving the key players. Sadly, I find myself increasingly skipping a lot of the TV shows. Probably not long until I’m a PPV only guy.

I’ve decided that the guy I want to see take the title from MJF is Orange Cassidy. The evolution of his character from pure comedy to someone who puts on legitimately great matches that make sense has been amazing. OC no-selling a long-winded MJF promo will be amazing.

That promo should’ve closed the show, and been hyped throughout. If you’re not going to do anything else with MJF to follow up, it needed to be the last thing fans saw so it would sit with them all week. And then maybe you don’t dip below 800k viewers because you closed with that 6-man match AGAIN.

EVPs will just convince Khan that it was all on MJF and get the belt back on Omega when possible.

doesn’t work leading off the show, if he also isn’t doing something later, that’s what they did back then, rock and stone cold or whoever kicks off the show, and setup the last match with them, so people stayed, sometimes had a brief segment inbetween

this one mjf wasn’t having a match so as true north was right, should’ve been the end with the stupid elite series as the blowoff part, leaving people on that part of the story that has moved vs whatever the hell happened idk I’m not watching either

Fuck no. No main event promos. The last thing scheduled should almost always be a match.

And MizJF promos feel like they go long. He might screw up the timing and they might go off the air before he is finished if you put him on last to talk.

They needed to do Moxley-Hangman first to explain why Mox was not around. I also think they did a good job of setting up last week why Danielson would come out the way he did.

That MJF/Starks segment is an all timer.

Darby Allin is taking a ton of stupid as fuck bumps tonight.

Jesus Christ what the fuck

darby wrestles all the time like he wants to not be able to wrestle anymore by the time he’s 30

He turns 30 and a month and…yeah you’re still right.

This almost could be a PPV match and should’ve had a 3-4 week build w/a couple segments together. You have a guy who can hold his own on the mic w/MJF, why not get more out of it than just 1 segment and then a throwaway match on a lesser show?

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apparently big cass or w. morrissey or whatever is now big bill in aew that’s the best you could come up with, jeez that’s bad

I tried to watch pro wrestling for the first time in a while and it lacks the grandiosity that it had in the past. It just feels blah.

When I was younger, pro wrestling events always felt like the biggest thing in the world. And the wrestlers themselves went on to become movie stars and became worldwide celebrities after getting pushed. But now, the promotions don’t want that to happen. They don’t want any wrestler to become bigger than the brand because then they lose control of them and their leverage in contract negotiation. UFC is doing the same exact thing by clipping the wings of fighters before they get to the tipping point for the same reason.

Honestly, I think a shift to something closer to more of an ECW style would work. Pro wrestling today feels like a product for children that they grow out of eventually. It would also signal a shift against the grain of society that appears to push for a sanitized, kid-friendly product when a lot more people want a gritty, violent product than we think. Making the product more awe-inspiring makes suspension of disbelief a lot easier for an older audience. I’m not saying we need to go full Attitude Era but a modified version of it would be way more entertaining than the boredom that I watched.

I haven’t watched wrestling in a while. Are they still doing the obnoxious zooming in camera shots every three seconds?