The Professional Wrestling Thread

I get the purpose of extra belts in real life is to sell tickets, but what’s the purpose of the ic/us/tnt/tbs/Atlantic in kayfabe?

At least ROH Pure has a different rule set.

TNT and TBS seemed like they were like IC belts, but now the champs with those belts are booked like monsters so it kinda devalues the main belts. I don’t mind having the main belts for men and women and then the TBS/TNT. That’s probably all they need for singles belts, tbh. I could see the argument for 1 more male singles belt. I’d have it be an international belt, maybe for non-USA/Canada wrestlers. But don’t name it something stupid like the Atlantic Belt.

I would just scrap all the ROH belts. If I never saw/heard of them again on AEW programming, I’d be a happy man.

Trios belt is kinda pointless b/c there are like 2-3 non jobber teams now that The Elite are out. Even with The Elite it didn’t make a whole lot of sense imo. TE is a main event team, Death Triangle upper mid/main event, and Best Friends/Dark Order are mid-card teams, the rest are jobbers. There just aren’t enough compelling matchups.

Some people want a women’s tag division, but no thanks. There aren’t enough decent workers for the singles division much less diluting the pool further with a tag division.

It’s honestly the main reason I’ve just about stopped watching WWE entirely.

I know the other wrestling companies have their problems, but this is just transparently evil.

Is this Chris Jericho?



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wwe had theory cash in the money in the bank on the US title and lose

we knew that guy was going down with no vince but damn, didn’t see that sort of burial coming rip

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Forgot this was tonight. Watching this about 20 or so minutes behind. That trios match was amazing.

Jade/Nyla was fine.

Did not like the ROH 4 way at all.

Watching Saraya/Britt now.

Britt/Saraya was fine I guess.

I want to like Saraya, but FUCK that theme song.

Was surprised at the TNT title match result.

Cannot possibly give a shit about anything with Jeff Jarrett in it in 2022.

Storm/Hayter by far the best women’s match tonight.

A bit heavy on the interference and finisher kickouts in the final third of the match for my liking, but still good.

Re: TNT, I’m guessing we get Wardlow vs. MJF soon, and losing here barely hurts Wardlow. I hate putting another belt on Joe though, missed opportunity with Hobbs.

Saraya, I couldn’t be less interested in, but at least Hayter has the belt.

Trios and Cage were so good. I would’ve spaced them out way more instead of the 2 best matches 1st and 2nd.

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Every time I think I’ve seen the dumbest thing in modern wrestling, someone like this pops up days later.

Man, Mox sure got screwed. The kayfabe reason for the Dark Triangle v. Elite 7-match series is that Rey used the hammer to get the win so the ending was too controversial.

Of course, MJF used the brass knuckles to get the win over Mox. So where’s his 7-match series? Poor Mox.

Jokes aside, it was obvious they’d be putting the Trios Belts back on The Elite in a month or 2, so I guess this is as good a plan as any to get there, considering the division is pretty barren.

"One of the things that I like to remind my friends, all the time, is that – Sprite is a perfect example – Genghis Khan took over most of his known world at the time. He never had Sprite. I’m way richer than Genghis Khan ever was. If he wanted to eat something delicious, it took a long time, and I’m sure he had someone else cook it for it him. I don’t eat McDonald’s, but I’m sure I can go into McDonald’s and get something better than he ever ate in his entire life, and that man ruled the world. Genghis Khan, screw him, he never had Sprite"
-Bryan Danielson

Wise words.



eh, I’d take Genghis Khan’s food over Mcdonalds crap but yes it would’ve taken a lot longer, but there wasn’t any TV or internet so you had the time