The Professional Wrestling Thread

Yah, I saw Black was out, that’s why I mentioned they wasted him.

I don’t see how you can say they had nothing for Lee. Dude was over as fuck and looked like a monster against the Private Party guy in singles and others. There were tons of things you could have done with him, a TNT title program would’ve made sense. If he stayed red hot then maybe even into the main event scene. That they ultimately did little with him in singles doesn’t mean that there weren’t plenty of options.

I guess props to AEW for creating situations where a lot of these guys are getting way over, just seems like they have no f’n clue what to do with them once over and it just fizzles out. Like WTF is this Wardlow title run? Just awful.

The only guys who seem to have any chance at staying over are generational talents like FTR and MJF.

Don’t this pizza guy is in AEW, at least not until Khan sees that video and thinks it’s hilarious.

Fish always seemed a bit more talented than they gave him credit for and O’Reilly had some great matches but wasn’t given much chance either. Cole they tried to push to the main event, but I don’t think he’s a main event guy at all. He could have been awesome though in a cruiserweight type scene facing other smaller guys.

he was on dynamite, he had a backstage interview where he immediately got kicked in the face

which is more than 10% of the roster has gotten in months

Oh, that’s pretty lol

I guess him and Danhausen in segments would at least be entertaining.

I assumed it was just a one off. Doubt he is signed.

we’ll never know, it’s aew, he could be off TV forever and he still might be signed

just ask miro or brian cage or if you go to the webpage and scroll down to find more

khan doesn’t like to let people go when he should’ve months ago like cage

It feels like AEW is in a bit of a holding pattern until they get a ROH TB deal, get a new AEW TV deal, and figure out their long-term after Punk’s injury followed by the LOL Brawl messed up their plans. I think MJF going home also screwed things a bit.

It sounds like Khan books his main programs well in advance, starting with the top of the card. It’s felt like he used to have a clear idea of who his next couple of champions would be.

It seems obvious that his next champ after the tournament winner should be MJF. If Moxley is the champ, then we get an extended program between BCC and the Firm. So we really want to see that?

My fantasy booking scenario is to have Bryan Danielson being declared not cleared to compete, maybe due to a beat down from MJF and associates. You could just have MJF slide into that main event slot and beat Moxley right away, but I have a different idea.

Hold a battle royal to decide who faces Moxley for the title in Queens, New York. Let that man beat Moxley. And let the man who beats Moxley be the Tommy Dreamer of AEW, Eddie Kingston. The reaction to the Mad King finally winning the big one in NYC will be nuclear and the heat on MJF for beating Kingston instead of Moxley will be orders of magnitudes greater.

MJF is 100% leaving tonight as champ right?

Possible, but gonna guess no, they save it for Full Gear.

Nah, Tony’s already on record as saying the chip isn’t a MitB deal, can’t just cash in on the spot.

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Interesting. He’s hyping up the show quite a bit tonight. I get that he always does but it seems different.

Jericho is the ROH champ in 2022. That’s GOAT shit.

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Love these guys. Put the rocket on them TK!


In now. Looks like I missed a lot.

Assboys are comedy gold.

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aw crap you could bet on this card, at least one of these was very very free money

“now that HHH is in charge, WWE will be about wrestling and not so much entertainment”

At WWE Crown Jewel on November 5, Roman Reigns will defend the title against Logan Paul

lolololol what a joke

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I thought Paul’s wrestling was pretty great at his last PPV (SummerSlam?).

It was but just giving him a title shot out of nowhere is kind of laughable.

The Saudi shows are just a money grab for WWE. They aren’t canon. It’s just whatever the royalty feels like.