The Professional Wrestling Thread

nice of tony to give a young japanese guy his debut on aew

the great muta

Didn’t the Universal title change hands in SA twice?

I guess so.

I’ll amend to “mostly not canon”.

WTF are they thinking, these bumps are so stupid and dangerous

Jesus, she jumps backwards instead of falling. Thats awful

unnecessary spot fests like a true indy show^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1574616502111768589|twgr^8645847eea1ebb2964a40f3e1ed367ccec3c910e|twcon^s1_c10&

the wwe trolled putting his music in the rabbit thing but that wasn’t possible since black has a clause preventing him from going to wwe that soon but people gonna people

there’s so much in the wrestling world from anoki mma fight with ali that if he was allowed to just choke ali, would’ve been a mma boom a lot earlier, won the wwf title (another one of those things that happened but wwe pretends it didn’t), founded njpw, helped a bit with his image with pride, the wrestling match with flair in north korea (only time those two had a match, a story by itself)

and even without those things was an absolute icon


How do you even begin to explain “National Scissoring Day” and “Scissor Me Daddy Ass” to a non-wrestling fan?

LOL having Sammy get the pin in the main event.

Good lord what a horrible booking decision.

Booker of the Year says we just can’t appreciate his genius.

you don’t

tony has guys fight the champ out of nowhere that nobody who watches his program has seen before routinely like who is juice robinson (I know who that is but I know over half his viewers don’t) and that guy won’t be seen again for some time if ever

well aew leaks to meltzer so he might get that but it won’t be deserved

brian cage just came back from months being gone (not injured btw) and got a title shot on wardlow

why hell if I know


long term storytelling from a guy well known for ADD on this show with people coming and going for no reason at all, is he just trolling us

tony loves sammy a lot

but nobody wants to work with him two wrestlers have punched him within the last 30 days or so (maybe 37) in a backstage incident now

I think Tony just hates selling, none of his favorites bother to do it.

Khan continuing to mash buttons signing more and more wrestlers. I read a comment that the roster now has over 100 male wrestlers and 30 females. We got yet another stable with Maria Kanellis (who got absolutely no crowd reaction) and The Kingdom, and the recent introduction of Saraya (Paige) to the roster has been a pretty big flop.

Gotta admit, I fast-forwarded thru part of Dynamite and most of Rampage. I’ll watch the big storylines, but it’s kinda pointless when the rest of the roster just gets cycled in and out so often.

And what’s with these random ass pairings like FTR + Spears and WarJoe? Can’t people/teams just be on their own?

Also looking like the ROH titles are being featured heavily on AEW so there are like 15 belts going around and they hardly mean anything.

AEW Dynamite next Tuesday is a stacked card w/4 near PPV level title matches, so I hope they can right the ship and get some momentum b/c I’m losing confidence in Khan’s booking.