The Professional Wrestling Thread

That show was way better than All Out.


There’s going to be nuclear heat when Daniel Garcia interferes to cost Bryan Danielson his match against Chris Jericho.

Dave Meltzer says that Punk’s people say he threw the first punch because he thought there was going to be a physical altercation so he might as well punch first and that he hasn’t heard anyone on that side saying the Young Bucks kicked in the door. Also, that Ace Steel claims that he bit Kenny Omega because he thought he was going to be put in a crossface.

Nothing Meltzer says about the Elite should be taken at face value.

Ah, I see Punk joined Cobra Kai at some point during his sabattical.

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Danielson’s the only one in that tourney I really care to see as champ, but I guess if it’s a transitional champ for MJF then it doesn’t matter all that much who it is.

You spelled Daniel-San wrong

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let me get this straight, punk said if you have a problem with me come to my locker and talk about it, they came, he just assumes they’re gonna kick his ass over what he said, throws the first punch, his friend drills one of the bucks with a chair and bites omega cause he’s afraid of a crossface (man all of [redacted] opponents are like wait what now) (also punks? dog was in that room apparently) then threatened to sue despite nobody disputing he started it. (among others, apparently aew’s chief legal guy was around, we’ll see what happens after all that mess but the basic facts don’t seem in dispute)

all of this starting from a throwaway line nobody remembered from a hangman promo on punk where he basically just went dude we can’t deal with you backstage knock it off then punk getting more angry over some stuff on the internet that nobody reading it actually took seriously

At first I thought punk pulled a power move with Tony but now I’m starting to think he just wanted to get fired to get out of the contract and go home. He definitely didn’t seem in it lately.

When was the last time he really seemed in it though? Guy seems to genuinelly despise the industry

That’s why I was shocked he came back at all. I think he genuinely loves wrestling itself and has a great mind for it, and wanted to be a mentor to the young talent, but he hates the backstage politics and is too outspoken about those games for his own good. And he clearly didn’t do his homework on Omega and the Bucks if that’s the case.

He may hate backstage politics but he dives head first into it everywhere he’s gone. Quotes from people he used to work with about this incident went mostly “yeah that’s what he does”. He’s just another of the talented people who are major pains to deal with. Even at FS1 they got tired of it and that doesn’t have people wanting to keep certain spots on the card.

Not that he’s wrong about the bucks or anything but it’s just you can only take so much of this. When you’re more bombastic than savvy I suppose.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1570214946629373953|twgr^17ef2ce6a65730c248ad5e6671c1794c9d4ab91f|twcon^s1_&

This guy is the next evolution of Orange Cassidy.

Orange Cassidy has evolved his gimmick to something where he’s a credible wrestler in a serious match against a serious wrestler. The pizza guy is pure comedy.

True, he did steal the show at Forbidden Door with Ospreay, but let’s not sell pizza guy short. We haven’t seen all that he can do yet

Do not look into the real person who portrays pizza guy.

throws the dough into your face to win would be a month long gimmick at least

Won’t be watching any AEW for a month while I’m in Europe, but I read the summary and I’m shocked that it only received a 7.45 rating on CageMatch. All that talent plus an MJF promo should’ve gotten at least a 9, so I’ll view that as a fail on AEW’s part.

Tag title match w/2 of the best teams
Women’s tag with several of their top workers

Those are basically PPV matches

And you also get

Mox/Sammy which could be awesome, but Sammy has only had crap matches since joining Tay.
Jungle Boy/Lethal isn’t a bad 5th match
MJF promo

Damn, how’s that card not killing it for Dynamite.

Anyway, would love to see them go youth movement now that things are really shaken up. Get the belts on The Acclaimed and MJF. You had Starks with the promo of his life, and then have done nothing (injured maybe?).

Forget about the Trios and free up Lee, Miro, Hobbs, and Wardlow to work some singles programs with each other. Tons of potential there instead of Wardlow just wrecking his push by only working comedy squashes.

Have PAC actually defend the belt on AEW vs someone good.

They already pretty much wasted Malakai Black’s entire run, hopefully some of these others don’t go the same way.

Lee seemed super popular as a singles guy, no need to put him with Swerve, who was also seemingly popular as a singles guy. Would’ve rather seen Lee challenging for one of the top 2 singles belts. Tag division was already pretty deep (unless you dilute it a lot with the Trios).

I don’t know, so much of the booking of AEW is pretty frustration and seems like it could be easily remedied. Maybe with the EVPs suspended we’ll see some positive changes. Doubt it though, Khan will probably bring in 20 new wrestlers and show them off for 2 weeks before wasting them.

black is gone for now (has a conditional release)

lee/swerve is because they had nothing else for them atm, they’ll drop teh belts to the acclaimed next match then maybe figure something out

but yeah khan doesn’t have an attention span so people just get lost

how they blew the undisputed era was pretty amazing too

wait, the pizza guy is in aew?