The Professional Wrestling Thread

This pre-show has sucked so far.

Kip Sabian as Al Snow 2.0 does not interest me in the slightest.

I do have hopes for this Kingston/Ishii match though.

Shouldn’t Ishii have the biggest kayfabe claim to Pac’s title?

Jumping in now. Bearded Eddie is a scary dude.

The fuck was that?

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Who the hell is that? Love the mask and song though.

Omega entrance = GOAT.


Didn’t even think of that. Had a similar swagger.

I mean it has to be somebody massive if you’re going to have Sympathy for the Fucking Devil as a theme.

Can he cash in tonight or is that not a thing in AEW?

Going by history, it’s not like WWE’s MITB in that way.

So they’d have to do something different. Certainly possible though.

Great match. Love the storytelling between Omega and Hangman. Need more.

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I legit thought Silver had the pin there. Damn!

assuming it’s MJF he’s been in 3 groups with all different people already

HHH is jealous at that rate

Those 2 are both going to be huge stars.

(didn’t meant reply to you)

Just caught up. Trios title and tag title matches were outstanding. Everything else kinda meh. Decent start to the main event.

Punk went scorched earth on Page and the EVPs in the post-show presser, and I am all the way here for it. Must have been amazingly awkward for TK to just sit there next to him during that.

Pretty mediocre show tbh. I’d say MJF saved it from being bad.

I absolutely loved the tag match, but was legit furious that they didn’t put the belts on The Acclaimed. The crowd wanted it so bad.

Speaking of the crowd, they didn’t even seem that hot for Punk. Acclaimed is so over I think it kinda took the air out of the crowd for the rest of the night. Very little reaction for Storm winning (they wanted Hayter, didn’t care about anyone else).

The 2 hottest feuds were just squashes. The pointless non-title trios tag matches were terrible.

Tag titles, trios title, and main event were the only things that weren’t bad. But the first 2 were borderline great, so I guess that passes for an average show.

he went scorched earth after the presser on them too according to reports as in fisticuffs

what a mess, sure the EVP’s all suck, but punk thinks he’s hogan level even though he’s not close enough to that to put up with this shit

also reportedly the ace steel guy bit one of them, it got out of hand at any rate

“Other sources indicated that Nick Jackson got “rocked” r knocked out when Steel threw a chair at him. Steel allegedly bit Omega and grabbed his hair when they “tussled.” Overall, the situation was described as including “mayhem” and people being unwilling to work it out.”

so they brawled and LOL this ace steel guy chair throwing that apparently concussed or worse on one of them and bit Omega just get him out of there already
punk leaks shit too and he went off on leaking, pot meet kettle there dude

oh btw for the post above, cage is injured that’s why that match was that at least luchasaurus could get a non shit run as cage’s henchman but they already botched that story up I did like the christian/tomko stuff.

if the wwe guys are mad they aren’t taking advice, well a big chunk of the appeal to bucks/omega/page are that they are NOT wwe style guys so if they’re giving them that sort of advice rather than how to better engage crowds or whatever else they’re gonna blow them off and should understand that

Goddamn what a mess.