The Professional Wrestling Thread

The squash match that is going to make it’s way to Netflix in February when there is a documentary about OVW…

(calling my shot but this is happening)

Ugh, Mox undisputed champ now. All Out in 10 days and we don’t even know what the plan is for the main belt.

Starks is killing it right now.

It looks like this was definitely the case.

The Elite v. Facción Ingob. got an 8.31 rating
Utd Empire v. Death Triangle 8.92
Best Friends v. Trustbusters 6.47
HoB v. Dark Order on Rampage, but I doubt it will be very good.

The Elite v. United Empire feels like it should be the finals, although UE obv. can’t win the belts, so it’s kind of pointless.

I’m actually digging the idea of this Trios belt, but feel like the bracket was a massive fail.

I’ve watched a bit more Raw lately and really like that you mostly get to see the same wrestlers each week. AEW just tries to feature way too many damn people. Even the title reigns usually suck b/c the champs barely get on TV and average like 1 match a month.

I am rooting for Daniel Garcia to fake turning on Chris Jericho before taking out Danielson and claiming that it was all acting for the sake of sports entertainment.

aew was a giant mess this week, gotta be a bunch of guys they signed from wwe wanting to go back now that the guy who didn’t like them is gone and everyone HHH did like is being brought back.

aew had an opening but it’s gone, punk is either injured or in **** this crap mode, all out is a tire fire (ladies interim but that storyline was terrible anyway, they fought, became a team, fighting again with no heat cause reasons and face/face? idk) men’s who f’ing knows, I guess punk didn’t want to lose in chicago so we got that instead, Trios stuff is dumb but it gives the elite something to do I guess. Idk what to do with mox here, there’s nobody for him to fight at all. Like who else is at the top of the card hangman (not believable they’d do that again)? omega (god please not that again) jericho again? (oh god) Danielson? (in your own faction so that doesn’t make sense)
oh right, you had a rocket strapped to him and then did absolutely nothing, not even TV, GJGE you idiot.

people hated wwe stuff, but kahn is a middle schooler, just collecting wrestlers with some weird middle school style storylines at times and little thought process of how anything would go outside of a main feud here and there.

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The popular rumor seems to be a Moxley-Punk rematch at All Out with some speculation that MJF will get involved in the finish.

Sure why not, three people I have no idea who is a face or a heel in that, makes sense.

Moxley vs Punk starts out as face vs face but doesn’t have to end that way. It’s no more cloudy than if they hadn’t had the Dynamite match.

I think there’s a potentially compelling story here of Punk having to resort to cheating to win. I think that story works better if Punk has a loss on his record staring him in the face. You could have done it with Punk losing a tune-up fight against someone he would be expected to beat. Eddie Kingston would have been perfect for that, but I guess he got himself suspended.

If Punk cheats, does that make him a heel? If he’s turning heel, can he do it in Chicago? Is it okay if he’s a face in Chicago the way MJF is on Long Island and a heel everywhere else?

also as a psa Peacock Premium is offering 12 months of the ad supported version for $19.99 starting 9/1/22

for those who get wwe ppv’s, well you can just do that instead (this is the ads one, you’ll live though at that price)

Only problem I have with this is that Daniel Garcia has the least “sports entertainer” personality in the whole company. Seems kinda silly that he’s in that faction. He’s way more of a Blackpool Combat Club type. Not that he even needs to be in a faction.

It’s almost comical how bad they are booking champions. Wardlow was the hottest thing going and became lame in record time. He’s so over that he can still recover, but have him face Miro or something.

Punk is about the only decently booked champion, b/c they’ll actually give him mic time and get the belt over.

I guess Jade is the other one that is decently booked, even if all her matches are trash. At least she comes off like a big deal.

yeah I don’t understand the garcia push either, he’s nowhere close to ready for that, can’t promo, doesn’t have personality, no gimmick (this is aproblem with aew as a whole lots of guys are just regular guys, need some more variety here)

which is fine, austin/rock weren’t close early in their careers either, gotta use seasoning, slow cook, risking burning some of these guys

this is where they could use ROH as a weekly show send 20 guys over there (they have plenty they’re not using) and then you can have more regular consistency with people on aew shows

As the OVW Netflix documentary is coming to the end of its filming…shit keeps becoming more entertaining.

So Al Snow versus local radio host/OVW heel commentator is gold (Al Snow is partial owner and main guy in charge of wrestling). God damn Al Snow is gold.

Dark Order beats House of Black in the Trios tourney, wtf??

HoB was the only decent team on that side of the bracket.

I used to watch every second of Rampage, but it’s been so shit lately that I’m fast forwarding thru all but 5-10 minutes of it.

If a few AEW guys jump ship back to WWE, that’d prob be enough for me to go back to WWE and just read up on AEW storylines and only watch PPVs and elite Dynamite matches.

Just for shits and giggles I checked the # of workers on the last 2 Raws and last 2 Dynamites:

The 2 Raws had 29 total workers and 11 who appeared on both Raws

Dynamite had 38 total workers and only 4 who appeared on both Dynamites

And keep in mind Raw has 50% more content to fill so those AEW #s are even more ridiculous.

Maybe Warner/Discovery budget cuts would be doing Khan a favor if he has to cut half the roster and we get tighter storylines.

Dark Order vs the Elite is the finals in the trios tournament that was too predictable when the tournament was laid out.

4 is absolutely insane

I assume a few got on rampage instead one of those weeks but is there 10 people that work more than once every two weeks in the entire aew company?

getting paid and not working man those aew guys–tony you’re not literally supposed to be late wcw but you keep doing late wcw.

Yah, I guess I forgot about the Hangman comes in as a late Dark Order sub angle.

These week’s Rampage featured 21 workers…and not a single one appeared on either of the last 2 Dynamites. Just cycling people in and out non-stop.

What would y’all think about an angle where Daniel Garcia attacks both Jericho and Danielson and aligns with a returning MJF as part of a faction of young guys who are mad at ex-WWE talent being brought in on big contracts?

That would be an awesome faction and one that would actually make sense.

What I’m not a fan of is random mixed tag matches with Wardlow, FTR, Jay Lethal, and yet another new team. Just mashing together wrestlers that don’t make sense.

All Out 2022!

I can’t not get hyped for an AEW PPV. Having only 4 a year makes a huge difference. Give me an Acclaimed, Starks, and CM Punk heel turn.