The Professional Wrestling Thread

no, you got them perfectly all of those guys are right where they should be really though I think on the card though a few might end up a low card comedy stuff later in their careers since some are just goofballs.

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There was plenty of interaction between Page and the Dark Order when Bryan Danielson ran through four of their members as part of the build to a title match.

I’m kinda hoping Danielson challenges Wardlow for the TNT Belt soon. Wardlow could use a big-time title defense, as well as show that he can win a war and not just squash people. A loss doesn’t really hurt Danielson and he can just come back in a little while once Punk/Mox, Punk/MJF, etc. have taken place and re-enter the main event picture after a string of big wins.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1559721245117235204|twgr^9d5d34adbf988427e788ca65ad6d76ea816a3af9|twcon^s1_&

a recent GCW thing

Maven (yes that one) kicked off the ceremony and proved that he is indeed a certified officiant. After he expressed his confidence that they would get through the ceremony, he welcomed the bridal parties and Matt Cardona’s parents to the ring. Fans chanted, “F— the parents” at the duo. Blake Christian interrupted and hugged Cardona, seemingly turning heel in the process. Allie Katch gave Cardona some hair product to help him out. Cardona and Green said “I do” after Maki Itoh sang to Cardona. Nick Gage crashed the party and hit Cardona’s dad with a light tube before he slammed Matt. After Katch smashed Green’s face into a cake and dropped her with a piledriver, Gage repeatedly sliced Cardona with a pizza cutter. Gage stood tall, and the Cardonas yelled about their ruined moment to close the show.

this is quite the strange result of pull a wrestler name out of a hat mad libs

Really happy to see one of my favorites return to AEW. Would love to see KiLynn King get a full contract, but it’s not obvious how to fit her in with the rest of the roster.

Enjoyable episode of Dynamite. The main event was the only match I ff’ed a bit. Lots of set-up for the future.

You watch some Dark and Elevation matches, but FF thru a main event with 6 awesome workers and Omega’s return match?

Seems kinda odd having Mox v. Punk happen on Dynamite. I wonder if these Warner Discovery budget cuts are bad news for AEW and they need to show some big time #s.

In any case, I think Punk needs a long title reign. He’s just so awesome on the mic and elevates the belt and company so much.

I’m not really much of a fan of Omega, the Bucks, or Andrade. I just can’t seem to get into their matches. I also don’t particularly care for Adam Cole and Malakai Black. But I pretty much the rest of their roster. Just my personal taste. I’m also probably more meh on Punk than most, too.

Mox vs Punk on Dynamite feels like they either need to get one of them out of the PPV match or they want to do something to justify adding a stipulation. Maybe Khan had something planned and has to rush things because he wasn’t sure when Punk would be available.

If MJF isn’t out of the company, I’d want him to come back to cost Punk the title at All Out. The reaction to that in Chicago would be insane.

Dang, I like all those guys. OK, maybe not Adam Cole. And I haven’t been that interested in the House of Black stuff.

Yah, there’s definitely something planned for the PPV, like either setting up a stip or adding a 3rd guy. Could easily be MJF involved in some way, but I’m guessing that Hangman might interfere somehow and be added to a triple threat match. Punk oddly called him out at the start of his promo so there’s probably something there. There’s some speculation that Punk might not be close to 100% so the other guys could carry most of the PPV match.

I watched a bit of Elevation (mostly to see Ford and Julia Hart’s new look), and Matt Menard is pretty hilarious on commentary. Him and Punk are by far the best current wrestlers on commentary. I hate Jericho and even Regal is kinda annoying with all his BCC stuff.

I recognize my tastes are not shared. I get why those wrestlers are popular. They’re not bad, they just failed to provoke an emotional response from me commensurate to their match length and placement on the card. If you asked me who my least favorite wrestlers were 20 years ago, the list would look something like: Rhino, Raven, Tommy Dreamer, and Ron Van Dam.

Trying to figure out which Eddies Punk has worked with.

Maybe Punk is FOS? There’s Eddie Guerrero obviously, but if you go to his matches on CageMatch and filter for Ed/Eddy/Eddie, there’s only Kingston, Guerrero, and some random jobber named Eddie Vegas.

The best explanation I’ve seen is that he meant Eddie Fatu.

okada wins G1 again

all these wrestling companies badly need someone new to emerge but nope WWE has … roman reigns who’s already been up there awhile. AEW well they had some chances and blew that all probably.

it’s wrestling, he’s gonna say the guy he likes the least is the third best one regardless if true or not

according to pro wrestling wiki, vegas is legally blind–which is quite the how are you a wrestler thing as in how do you see a guy coming off the ropes well enough.

I didn’t care much for the ECW guys either (though RVD at least had something and the athleticism), like Ambrose or Moxley now, just a dude who bleeds every match and it sucks and I can’t believe he hasn’t gotten xpac level go away heat yet.

Honestly think that wasn’t a bad call.

With regard to badly needing someone new to emerge, both Jay White and Will Ospreay are under 30. A lot of the Japanese guys are pretty old, but there will be young lions to fill their shoes.

To some degree yah, but Punk is starting to make it sound like all his biggest challenges were WWE guys and you need to put over your own company/opponents to some degree too.

All his matches were like this:

(It’s a joke, lest anyone think I was being serious, I know they can see)

I hate Moxley as well. Glad Punk took a jab at him always bleeding. Mox’s entrance was kinda cool at first, but now it’s just 5 minutes I can FF thru. Punk also wisely took a jab at that as well.

If MJF leaves, AEW is in a tough spot. They also need to move Danielson back into a main event guy as well. Those 2, Punk, and Omega are the clear main event guys for me.

There is a rumor that Punk went into business for himself because he was butthurt over Hangman making a Colt Cabana reference a few months ago.

Crazzy Steve, best known for being an Impact tag champ with Abyss as part of Decay, is legally blind.

Stan Hansen was nearsighted to the point of legal blind.