The Professional Wrestling Thread

Sounds like Ric Flair wants to die in the ring.

So… Summerslam?

Oh shit, a wild slap nuts appears.

Why is he guest reffing in this match?

Close to 100% imo.

Inquiring minds have to know. Did Rey Rey marry a giant?

Oh fuck its James Hetfield!

I know when I think “Next great superhero” my first thought is 85 year old Sly Stalone

Yeah ok that doesnt make any fucking sense

Also, we havent had a single heel win all night. How fucking boring. Is this the new HHH leadership? Faces win every match?

Wow that was a really dumb spot

well mcafee, but he beat a heel even fewer people like

approve of the added stuff in the main event, but there would’ve been a better spot for that stuff if they wanted to

“At my age with a pacemaker, you’re supposed to never take your heart rate over 50 points above your age so I should never take it over 130. Yesterday riding a bike I got it to 193 so, if there’s something plugged up it hasn’t backed on me yet. I’ve had it up to 203. I’ve been doing 500 free squats like I used to.”

Flair can’t even hit a decent chop so far in this match, sad.

I assume he lived through it?

Barely, he looked really rough by the end of the match and admitted he couldn’t remember half of it in his promo to end the show.

73 years and still at least did it, that’s something

Barely by the looks of it

9 years ago today: