The Professional Wrestling Thread

this is what sucks, everyone’s trying to figure out who the girl is and the only story here is vince is a piece of shit

though if that is hemme, than it’s the 2nd time when she finally stands by her morals

Vince being a piece of shit is old news.

A bit uncomfortable with everyone on the internet trying to figure out the woman’s identity.

Feel like she deserves privacy (as do those who aren’t this woman but fit many of the characteristics).


Yeah, thats my bad. Wasnt really thinking about it at the time.

So I can’t help myself. There is one particular wrestler that isn’t in the WWE hall of Fame. The only reason I can come up with is WWE thinks he has one last program…

Odds Roman v Rock might happen?

Very high. I assume it’s been planned for years and they are waiting on the right time in Rocks Hollywood career.

Yeah, people have been speculating about that match for WM 39 since like 2020.

Not interested in it at all, but I’m not interested in WWE as a whole these days.

you can bet on that match winner right now if you wanted

but it’d probably suck rock is 50 now and got hurt last time he tried that

Word on the street is that WWE has officially informed the ratings board that they will be TV-14 on Raw starting on Monday

I don’t care if it’s TV-MA. Wake me up when it doesn’t suck.


need a generational talent for that at this point and getting into that realm now just doesn’t seem worth it


Oh shit.


never thought I’d see the day he’d “retire” but they forced him out

though I assume like the next person runs it on speaker phone…^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1550590396694024192|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&

Bout time Vince left. His voice has been shot for a while.

Wait really?

Sounds like they worked things out.

Anyone else feel like there’s an even bigger story about Vince to drop very soon?

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