The Professional Wrestling Thread


hard to get excited about anyone you know will be off TV and forgotten about in a month

Shibata? I doubt it.

Loved the match, but what the hell was that finish?

I skipped the match but twitter is assuming that was an audible finish from cole being either injured or KO’d briefly.

or that’s not an uncommon NJPW finish in a match like that but I don’t watch much of NJPW so

About the only thing that makes sense to me.

weird seeing all the draftkings everywhere when you couldn’t bet the card. A few uh, offshore books did, was awful nice of them handing out money for predictable results.

so luchasarus is gonna be christian’s henchman, I did like tomko for him in TNA, but that was b/c tomko acted like a normal person outside of when he was cheating so his facial expressions for stuff going on were great, I guess without any facial expressions due to the mask he’s gonna be a more vile henchman type.

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Finally got caught up on AEW matches.

Forbidden Door: Honestly, halfway thru I was loving all the matches and thought it could’ve been an all-time PPV card, but the last 2 matches were kinda meh. I think there weren’t any bad matches, but no great ones either. Lots of good or really good matches though. It was hurt by silly builds, and most of the results being obvious, but the talent on display was incredible and the crowd was so into it. I really don’t like Mox though and him bleeding was just pointless.

It seems like virtually every AEW fan knows every detail about every NJPW guy. Are there really any casual AEW fans or is it all smarks?

This card makes me a bit sad that we won’t see many of these NJPW guys again. I kinda wanna dive into that company, but don’t want to devote a ton of time to wrestling, so AEW is fine.

Blood and Guts: Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t really care to see people jabbing shards of glass and utensils into people’s faces and blood just for the sake of blood. Jericho also messed up like every single spot.

I’m interested to see how they book Claudio and Miro’s title reign. Also hoping this JAS v. BCC/Eddie angle is done. I’m sure Eddie will complain that Claudio stopped him from getting revenge, but in kayfabe, if a guy burned your face, then you would’ve just thrown his defenseless body off the cage right after the match.

there’s definitely plenty of casual fans, but aew has more shows in smark locations. (smart really cause that’s the core base of their fans)

one of the NJPW guys debuts came out to total silence wherever that was though so there’s a decent chunk of casuals out there. Though that’s probably shrinking over time same as wwe.

there’s probably going to be another cross over thing next year considering how bungled this one ended up.

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“The previously unreported settlements include a $7.5 million pact with a former wrestler who alleged that Mr. McMahon coerced her into giving him oral sex and then demoted her and, ultimately, declined to renew her contract in 2005 after she resisted further sexual encounters, according to people familiar with the matter. The wrestler and her attorney approached Mr. McMahon in 2018 and negotiated the payment in return for her silence, the people said.”

This is helpful

2005: Christian, Charlie Haas, Jackie Gayda, Mark Jindrak, Rhyno, Spike Dudley, Molly Holly, Luther Reigns, Maven, D-Von Dudley, Bubba Ray Dudley, Muhammad Hassan, Kenzo Suzuki, Dawn Marie, Christy Hemme, Matt Morgan, Lance Storm, Jackie Gayda, Joey Matthews, Chris Jericho, Akio, Eddie Guerrero (died)

Since Molly has been back, its either Christy or Jackie. My money is on the former.

Christy Hemme got sent to OVW in 2005 before leaving WWE.

Was that within her contract? Did her contract end in 05 or 06?

I’ve read she was released in December 2005 after being sent to OVW, supposedly to train. Dawn Marie was released in 2005 while pregnant. Jackie was released with Charlie Haas, her fiance or husband at the time, in a group of cuts. Molly said she left in 2005 for reasons she wishes to remain private, but one could say she was de-pushed significantly. Some people speculate that she could have negotiated something before returning in 2018, although she did other stuff before them.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1545431862352412679|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&