The Professional Wrestling Thread

If we’re not talking about dives where it’s patently obvious everyone below is just waiting around to catch the diver, then it has to be the Canadian Destroyer. Easily the phoniest, most obviously cooperative move I’ve ever seen.

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Do you also hate superkicks?

Not if they’re used right.

I’d say the C-4 is even worse, and that’s saying something.

I mean look at this fuckin thing:

It meant the weight limit to fighting Burchill was like 175


WTF don’t do that.

A meaningless spot in a nothing TV match that no one is even going to remember next week. Complete idiocy.

He landed directly on his C6-C7 verterbrae


“This is even more painful than it looks”

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Legendary Jewish wrestler sighting.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1524596806906171392|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&

Shit I don’t remember pro wrestling being this bad during the attitude era.

tony khan has this weird fetish of doing everything on free TV like that

the fast majority of memorable stuff like that watched and remembered was only on PPV and not done all the time for a reason

on free it’s forgotten, especially when he constantly does it.

Not watching because LOL at watching Raw, but apparently some shoot shit went down forcing a change in the schedule main event.

I thought John Laurinaitis was dead. He was Animal from The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom, right?

He was Johnny Ace, the brother of Road Warrior Animal. He also married the mother of the Bella twins a few years ago.

You might be thinking of Super Dave Osborne, who Johnny Ace both looked and sounded like. He died either last year or the year before.


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Im so glad you posted this. I’ve been looking for it for a while.