The Professional Wrestling Thread

Bad Bunny the artist? No shit. Has there ever been a wrestler with a legit banger before him?

Does Jimmy Hart count?

And Sammy is TNT champ again? Ugh.


You have my attention.

He was in this group:

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Scorpio had the lamest 400-day winning streak ever. Got the belt, did basically nothing and immediately dropped it. What was the point of that build?

Sammy’s arc is kinda weird. Seems like they thought pairing him with Tay might help him, but the fans were never gonna get behind them acting like a pair of horny high schoolers. Apparently they got booed out of the building a couple nights ago and AEW tinkered with the sound to drown it out. At least now it seems like they’re realizing that Sammy will only work as a heel. In any case, I think it’s time to move on from Sammy and hopefully this won’t be a long run.

Both Battle of the Belts have been super underwhelming. An average Dynamite is way better. Are they supposed to be PPV-lite b/c they’re far from that.

Supposedly they just subbed Sammy and Tay in for whatever they had planned for Cody and Brandi hence Sammy turning heel.

got out in public they’re dating so they just rolled with it and acted like giant douchebags about it

though they probably are, or at least sammy looks like someone you want to punch in the face so it works

sammy is a young guy they want to push a bit but feels like he’s not ready for a major push yet and tony khan has zero attention span so it’s all weird

Agree with about all of this.

I just want the TNT champ to feel important. Was hoping that whoever won the title off Scorpio would elevate the title. That isn’t going to be happening with Sammy.

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I’ve been watching a couple episodes of WWE Evil. It’s pretty good, but not really any new info if you already know basic history. Anyway, while watching the one on Undertaker I was reminded of my hatred for his move Old School, which is so dumb on many levels. 1, it would be insanely easy for the guy to pull him off the ropes. 2, why would a flying hammer from the top of the ropes have any more force than if he just did it from the corner?

While we’re on the subject of dumb moves, I find the ones that use 90% effort from the person being slammed to be insanely dumb. Adam Cole’s Panama Sunrise being one of the worst offenders. Obviously for moves like a Power Bomb, there’s a slight jump and participation from the wrestler being slammed but it’s easy to suspend disbelief enough. Whereas the moves where all the effort comes from the person being slammed just irks me to no end. It’s even dumber when Cole “performs” the move on someone 100 lbs. heavier than he is.

What are your most hated moves that seem to be super popular among the masses?

I find most submission moves really hard to watch. Ronda Rousey’s armbar (in the WWE) is insufferable. It’s not even a bar. The bodies being so close to each other hides the fact that Ronda is basically flexing her opponent’s arm at the elbow.

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Yah submissions are mostly pretty lame, especially for MMA fans. You might find this channel entertaining:


So many of the recent AEW signings have me confused.

Is Danhausen supposed to be a wrestler? He hasn’t wrestled a single match. Maybe he was only meant to appear in joke spots for 10 seconds every 2 weeks.

Why did they hype up Jay White so much a couple months ago, only for him to disappear? Now it appears he might finally be doing something, but why the wait?

Before AEW, I knew Jay Lethal from his funny Flair and Macho Man impressions. Why has he basically not even talked on TV if he’s a pretty charismatic guy?

There are probably another dozen guys who were hyped up as a big signing, then given a squash match, and after that buried and mostly forgotten. Tony Nese comes to mind.

What is the point of these “big signings” if there’s 0 plan to even use them? I guess Khan likes to collect wrestlers he’s not even gonna use.

Keith Lee is one of the few who’s had a decent build. Swerve might also end up in that category.

Danhausen has been recovering from breaking two bones in his leg a few months ago.

Tony Khan supposedly fucked up a comment about the Forbidden Door with respect to Keith Lee and made a last-minute arrangement to bring White in to avoid being a liar.

Khan seems to have a plan of cycling guys in and out instead of running the same guys out there every week in repetitive matches. It looks like they might have plans for Lethal in ROH. Tony Nese isn’t that good. Brian Cage wasn’t that over. Miro was injured and now he’s working on a TV show.

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Things are kinda getting stale though, at least with the TNT belt. It’s been some combo of Cody, Sammy, or Scorpio facing each other often with multiple rematches. Any of the new guys could’ve been built up into credible contenders.

Instead, what happens with Khan’s strategy is that it becomes MORE stale, bc guys are cycled in and out so fast that none of them really seem like title contenders.

I get that he wants to keep things fresh, but I’d still like to see some longer term storytelling with these guys. Why should I care about most of them if I know they’re gonna be there for a few matches and then they’re gone?

he collects wrestlers, that’s all aew is now. I’m still casually following wrestling but I don’t watch anymore, didn’t even tune in for mania and there’s no reason or desire for me to watch anything now, maybe I’ll catch the aew/njpw show tho.

debut them then they disappear and it’s about the next big debut and then disappear…

funny all the signings from roh, and now he’s putting them…in roh.

I like how you put it as strategy, I think it’s just who he is (rich kid who got whatever he wanted growing up with quite a bit of ADD) so this is what happens.

Yep, he’s obsessed with advertising a BIG SIGNING or BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, then immediately wants to start planning for the next instead of building the guys he’s got, which is more than enough. ADD as you said.

Your freakin’ World Champ has had maybe 15 minutes total of promos and wrestled only 4 different guys since winning the title 5.5 months ago. You don’t need more wrestlers, just use the ones that are already there.