The Professional Wrestling Thread

Nah. Just got the Laurinaitis bros confused

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I am contemplating watching Double or Nothing live in Las Vegas.

Johnny Nitro Morrison Mundo isn’t really a compelling Joker.

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Wasn’t expecting much, but that match was great.

I have absolutely no idea who Konosuke Takeshita is

k, apparently he was on rampage a couple weeks ago, sure and from a japanese promotion I never heard of (and even then I couldn’t name more than maybe one wrestler that wasn’t NJPW)

I didn’t either.

Dude looked like a goddamn star though.

Can Jericho go away? Outside of his theme song, everything he’s involved in sucks.

His wrestling style is predicated on athletic ability and explosiveness, but he just looks like he’s moving in molasses now.

The Japanese wrestlers have been the most compelling on the card lately. Hopefully they stick around.

Jericho’s consistently been involved in the worst angle week in week out since I started watching full time when Punk arrived.

They really shouldn’t let Serena Deeb go on long tirades, or Thunder Rosa for that matter, both are awful on the mic. Deeb didn’t even put in any effort just went with the generic “your sports teams are failures”, and going after Rhodes b/c he thinks his student will win is just dumb. I’m excited for the match though. That and Page/Punk both have 5-star potential.

Not excited for the 3-way tag at DoN. In general, any tag matches involving more than 4 wrestlers mostly suck.

Also don’t really care about the Owen Hart matches. The tourney doesn’t even really make sense and as far as I can tell, there are no stakes whatsoever.

Pretty much in agreement with all of this.

None of the possible winners of either Owen Hart tournament are very intriguing. I don’t know why they bothered with the Jokers. They were both pretty disappointing.

Double or Nothing honestly doesn’t sound that good. The two title matches should be good, though I’d pump the brakes on the 5-star potential. I have a bit more hope for the 3-way tag than you do, but not by a lot. The set-up for it last night was awful.

The rest of the card is very meh.

Much more excited for Forbidden Door, which has literally zero announced matches as of right now.

No issue with the participants, but I just have an irrational hatred for big tag matches.

The setup was also pretty hilarious. Brilliant idea from Christian to propose a match to reduce his team’s title equity. Maybe it’s all part of his eventual heel turn.

Just got tickets for AEW Dynamite on July 27. Looking forward to it.

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How good are your seats?

Apparently 4 rows up from the floor. Buddy of mine ordered them; I said I’d take whatever was available.

at this stage of his career he’s just a guy–he got old (42, well that’s not that old these days I guess but man wwe tossed some stars out at about then in the old days) so he can’t move like he used to either

he would’ve been some years ago when he was hot on the indie scene but now it’s just meh and he’ll be forgotten like everyone else kahn signs and then forgets he has

I’d say christian’s been disappointing (he’s always been a way better heel and he just has nothing to do) but jericho’s been straight up awful, he’s still one of the top 3 names they have, can still talk if he has to but man this has been a rough run for him.

maki itoh again? jeez

So Netflix is shooting a documentary series on Ohio Valley Wrestling

Can’t wait to see it

WTF can we not do this please?

It was a worked chair and apparently he hit him in the chest anyway. Great camera work to make it look real.

I’m more concerned about this guy:

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Uh, no.

And worked chair only means that the rivets are removed/broken. It’s still a chair and still hurts.

Should have used this chair: