The Professional Wrestling Thread

Wasn’t almost, he shot a guy in the head point blank. From what I’ve read, it messed him up for life.

he was probably a great guy sober

but was very rarely sober

RIP Scott Hall.

Another under 65. Good guy or not, these guys eating it under 65 is just mountains of depressing.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1503479329199644677|twgr^|twcon^s1_&


You are in control.

These moves are BANNED!



Great American Bash 2004 is a great time

What the fuck EC3

Control Your Nandrolone

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Looks like he’s wearing a Giant Gonzales suit only of a human body.

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all worth it to impress those 6 people who showed up to watch

at least everyone else who roided got paid a lot of money

I’m always horrified when I see compilations of the insane spots people are doing in HS gyms in front of like 30 fans. Risking their lives/bodies for almost nothing.

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Being a pro wrestler is like being a MMAer. A shit ton of punishment and lost years for no money just for the slim chance of making it.

See also: High school and college football

yeah I don’t get it, you can get in the door without it, but they can’t help themselves

I still cringe at stuff like big e’s dive through the ropes, please stop doing that. Sure risk is very low but if that low part happens it’s bad is why they don’t do piledrivers anymore.

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The GOAT match was 25 years ago today. Man, I feel old.

Just found this in the Players Tribune — a really good piece by Sting. I had no idea he was one of the guys so caught up in painkillers in the 90s.

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So, I have two questions…

  1. Can we just call Bron Breakker Rex Steiner now?

  2. Don’t misunderstand, I am all the way here for it, but who thought it was a good idea to give Scott Steiner a live mic?

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Good stuff from Undertaker last night. Really hope he’s not thinking about returning to the ring but I think that was just him l getting into character.