The Professional Wrestling Thread

Bullet Bob Armstrong and Terry Funk were wrestling in their 70s. Hell, Armstrong made appearances at the age of 80. That pop they get has to be intoxicating.


Yet another new AEW signing everyone saw coming

Fair statement, but maybe change the ring gear a bit?

Anyone else not that excited about the Hardys? I guess the nostalgia factor and hearing the theme was great, but Jeff looks pretty limited now and I’m kinda scared to see what crazy shit Jeff will attempt. He’s already been through so much.

I don’t know what they could do with them aside from a lot of fan service stuff at this point. It’s been nearly a quarter century since they debuted on the big stage, their story has been told.

It’s crazy to think that Jeff Hardy was 16 when he debuted on Monday Night Raw.

ridge holland broke big e’s neck suplexing him on his head outside the ring on a smackdown

Rumor is that someone at Warner vetoed AEW signing the Briscoes. Kind of feel like anyone who knows who the Briscoes are already heard that.

I laugh every time Ricky Starks does his little pose. I think it would be more suitable for a female wrestler.

Also, Rampage was pretty stacked for a month or 2, but lately has been a C-level show compared to Dynamite.

In lighter news than Big E’s neck breaking, Johnny Knoxville flew a plane with Sami Zayn’s phone number on it around LA yesterday

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scott hall on life support

Duh, how do you think they made a billion dollars last year? Not by paying people, I’ll tell you that.

I know he had his problems but I thought he was great as Razor Ramon. The least Cuban Cuban ever.

According to Kevin Nash, Scott Hall’s gonna be taken off of life support once his family can say their goodbyes :frowning:

People knew about this stuff, right?

Nearly all pre-2000 pro wrestlers are pieces of shit. It’s founded by carnies and scam artists looking to fuck people over. I’d be surprised if he didn’t beat his wife.

Didn’t he almost kill somebody too?

Anyway, Meltzer says he’s been off life support for four hours and is alive as of two hours ago. Not sure how long people last off life support before dying but I thought it’d be faster.