The Professional Wrestling Thread

Awesome match

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Hello from midnight.

Great finish. Great show. I was entertained.

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AEW signed Jay Lethal, good talent sure but uh I’m sure the ladies will be thrilled.

Finally was able to watch the whole show.

It was great, but I thought it could’ve been an all-timer, but fell short.

A couple random thoughts:

-4 hours seems too long, 3 would’ve been perfect. Crowd was so hot for MJF/Darby and still pretty hot for Hangman, but were a bit tired at that point.

-The match order seemed kinda odd as well. Too many of the big matches early then the show kinda fizzled big time until Punk/Kingston re-ignited it.

-I wanna love the Lucha Bros and they’re still great, but I’m not a big fan of some of the no sells.

-I hope they take the belt off Baker soon. She’s super limited in-ring and it takes a AAA talent to carry her to a good match.

-The Cody match would’ve been a great candidate to cut. It was shoehorned in and just bloated the show too much. Although the psychology was decent with both teams just kinda in it for themselves.

-ATT v. Inner Circle was predictably stupid, couple of decent spots I guess, but should’ve also been cut to keep the show to a tidy 3 hours.

-I’ve only been with AEW since Punk’s debut, but have watched every minute of the 2 main shows since, so I’ve missed most of Hangman’s arc, but still seemed like an epic moment and obv a great match.

My top 3 matches:
5* - MJF/Darby
4.5 - Hangman/Omega
4.25 - Punk/Kingston

P.S. Will Darby ever learn how to defend against the side-headlock takeover??

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circle/ATT was the blowoff match between punk and the main event


So I just got the WWE Raw main event recommendation on my youtube feed

Big E & RK-Bro vs Rollins & Usos

holy hell I couldn’t care less

I guess this is some survivor series shit they still feel they still need to do

I don’t know why WWE tries to force this zzzzzz survivor series every year, but every year…yeah

AEW is showing long term story telling actually works. WWE still forcing a short term BS story for survivor series.

Yes…I know I am preaching to the choir here and everyone I am preaching to agrees

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AEW has factions so survivor series style they can actually do when it makes sense

it’s WWE’s 4th biggest PPV so that’s why it’s shoved down our throats. They previously have had good ones that make sense but not this year, a cobbled together pile of garbage. let’s just have champs fight the other champs, wow great job making us totally care.

Survivor Series was a great idea when it started. Fans had never seen all the top guys team up before and it was fresh. But the change in the business model in the 90s made the concept pretty much irrelevant, and it should have been mercy killed 20 years ago.

National Cowboy Shit Day off to a good start.

What the fuck?

I’d love to hear that POS Warrior shoot on having a branded zinfandel.

lol aew did it so wwe has to do it with the wine thing

more wwe cuts, john morrison biggest name

might just be all roman all the time at this rate

LMAO all of Hit Row are gone. That’s incredible.

I remember reading a rumor they cut bfab cause hit row didn’t need her

in reality just took another two weeks for vince to find out the rest of their names

So weird that WWE names an award after a guy who wrote this

Be a star

Is it though? WWE is the epitome of a modern day piece of shit company. They have released 35% of their roster this year despite record profits.

Any reason aside from didn’t want to pay them?

As for Warrior, the WWE created The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior which was a documentary that tore him to shreds