The Professional Wrestling Thread

Malakai dressing like King Cuerno tonight.

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And Cody trying to be Okada.

King Cuerno was such an awesome character. One of these winters I’m going to rewatch LU all the way through. It’s the GOAT wrestling promotion for me.

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Andrade has been doing wrestling at a top level for so long it’s easy to forget he’s only 32 years old.

Arn’s about to pull out his Glock.

That post-match FTR stuff made no sense.

That whole match was off for me. Completely zoned out.

Match was fine, but was harmed by the fact that at no point did I buy that Conti was winning.

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What in gods name is Punk wearing?

Blade jobs tonight a little sloppy.

The fact that Eddie Kingston is getting more cheers than CM Punk just a few months after his return to wrestling is nuts to me. LETS GO EDDIE.

That was great.

Loved it. 10 minutes of a storytelling masterpiece.

You can finally go to the bathroom.

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I went during the Kingston/Punk promo and was back just in time for Punk’s entrance.

I don’t know what Andre Arlovksi is wearing but I want it to stop.

Good lord, can we fast forward to Kenny/Hangman?

Quoting because it deserves repeating.

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What a pop.

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Hangman fucking Page. Thats it.