The Professional Wrestling Thread

It was during a period when Scott Norton was the top foreigner in NJPW. '90s puro fans seem to feel that Norton was crazily under-utilized by WCW.

if you just wanted to make fun of woke politics this could’ve been a decent heel but this is just awful

I think I’ve finally figured out why I’m not as into Omega as others…his selling is just weird at times. Not super goofy overselling or anything, but on a number of AmDrag kicks his body just didn’t move the way you would expect.

That said, the match was terrific and I’m looking forward to the eventual rematch. Can’t say I’m looking very forward to the obvious 8-man with the entire Elite, though.

Bryan Danielson finally got a match rated 5-stars from Dave Meltzer.

His first one ever in any promotion (yes, seriously).

That blows my mind.

Punk/Hobbs was disappointing.

I was really hoping Punk had retired the Savage elbow from his moveset.

He uses it as a tribute to Savage, and it works. Because everytime I see it I wish Savage was around to show him how to do it right.

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Is Punk doing it in a way to not fuck up his hip like Savage?

Was morbidly curious, so I found the finish to the Extreme Rules main event.

Dumbest shit I’ve seen since the Bray/Seth HIAC.

Wow that is a high mark, guess I’ll have to look it up now

It’s here if you want to see:

Um…yeah…that was something…

The fuck?

No explanation for the ropes breaking?

Just… oops?

I just got tickets for Dynamite on November 10th. Going with a buddy who has no idea what to expect. Should be a blast.


Last Dynamite before Full Gear.

Oh shit. I didn’t even realize that. Should be a good show!

I’d say “go home shows usually suck”, but maybe I’m just so used to that with WWE.

The go-home Dynamite for All In was bookended by the FTR-Santana-Ortiz rematch and the Elite vs Jurassic Express and the Lucha Bros, which ended with the beatdown of the Lucha Bros and Christian Cage in the cage. In between included CM Punk talking, Chris Jericho talking, and the Gunn Club turning on Paul Wight, with five matches total.