The Professional Wrestling Thread

They say that often and it doesn’t end in one. I agree though that this was destined to be a draw. Can’t have either guy lose. Was just a great exhibition match.

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Ah, ok. I’ve never really heard it before in WWE. I didn’t really know what AEW was until I saw the Punk return trending on Twitter haha.

Yeah, I think every single match in AEW has been announced with a “and with a xx minute time limit”.

They still have 4 matches left, right?

Hopefully there’s no Suzuki incident.

Including a title match should should get 15+.

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Punk is still a king on the mic.

Calling it now: Steven Amell interferes to help Punk on Friday. He probably super kicks Hook or something.

Yeah, I don’t want anyone to get shortchanged, but this one least of all.

Honestly, the other 3 matches should probably average about 8 minutes to be safe.

I can’t help but to root for Brian Pillman Jr. in all of life after watching the Dark Side of the Ring episode of his dad. Shit was heartbreaking.

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Cody has gone full Homelander.

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That Cody match was way too long. I like FTR and tag team wrestling, but they need to speed this up to not screw over Britt/Ruby.

10 minute tag - 10 minutes of commercials / promos - 15 minute main?

That could work I guess.

But if the bell for the women’s title match is before :45 I’ll be very surprised.

I don’t think AEW has ever had an overrun have they? Seem like a logical next step.

LOL 60 minute time limit.

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Wasn’t really a fan of that last match tbh.

The kickout after the second rope move was really bad. And then the other kickout after the stomp. And then the stupid interference. Not great.

Still a great night though.

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Ruby didn’t get the memo that you have to have a faction in AEW!

Pro wrestling is nuts right now.

just got around to catching grand slam

so let me get this straight you have this monster heel beat the censored out of everyone in black who kicks out of a face finisher and the crowd erupts in applause, gets beat the whole match but cheats to win, again crowd cheers, also face manager, whos been around the business forever is an idiot who helps cost him the match.

makes no sense at all to me

but they did the danielson/omega match more like a njpw one and that worked even tho the time limit draw happened

cody’s gimmick is now some weird cross between california blond dude and american hero with still having that god awful neck tattoo. Hogan lite without the racism I guess but he has help, it’s all just weird.

I didn’t realize how absurd the list of names who’ve ever appeared in the G1 climax actually is.

Scott Norton scoring more points than Ric Flair in the same one is hilarious.