The Professional Wrestling Thread

Just finished.

First, everyone involved with that episode outside of the flight attendant and Terri deserves something between several kicks in the nuts and execution.

Secondly, that was way too short. Should have been a two or possibly even three parter. Plenty of stuff that wasn’t addressed.

Third, what the fuck Tommy Dreamer. How you can be so tone deaf to say those things in the 2020s is mindboggling.

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Dreamer is not an advocate

Conspiracy theory: Tommy Dreamer was paid by Vince McMahon to take the heat off of many others (including Vince himself)

Guarantee that Dreamer is blaming cancel culture and/or wokeness for his suspension. He has no clue at all.

At worst Dreamer is the guy who was planning on shooting Heyman and then himself at Wrestlemania because ECW folded. At best Dreamer is the guy who thought that was a good made up story to tell people.

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God damn I forgot about that

Goddamn, New Japan has had some bad luck this year.

After watching Elevation and Dark, I think that, if they wanted to, AEW could tell a story that the Dark Order is falling apart because Negative One isn’t out there on the road with them.

Hell of a card tonight for free TV.

Danielson did a pretty lengthy interview on NY sports radio yesterday to promote the event. I thought it was pretty good, particularly for an audience that doesn’t follow wrestling as closely (including myself).

Honestly, Malakai Black does absolutely nothing for me.


Holy fuck they’re starting with Kenny/Danielson?

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They like to start out hot and grab people’s attention.

Also less commercial breaks at the start of shows. This crowd is HOT!

Bryans chest is 13 shades of pain.

This match… delivering.

Yeah, after 10 mins of chest slaps things really picked up.

I know no one likes a draw but this was the perfect spot for it. What a unreal match though. Those guys are technical masterminds.

I mean, I don’t follow this stuff closely but when they said there was a time limit obviously there was not going to be a winner.