The Professional Wrestling Thread

It’s funny to hear that about the tag match. I can suspend disbelief enough to enjoy the spot fest PWG style match especially when it has good story telling. What I like about AEW is that they give you spot fest matches along with technical matches like Punk/Darby. It’s always a variety.

I feel the same way. Im not tuning in to watch dancing, and that match felt not much different than dancing with the stars.

Well, at least they tried

Rumor on Reddit is Europe charges $50k per play.

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They massively toned down all of that. It was a much more realistic match between these two teams than what I expected.

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pretty safe that if the billionaire kid who’s throwing way too much $ at everyone everywhere for this couldn’t get it, that it either just couldn’t be done or it was some absurd number he just said fuck that.

Why do you think he’s throwing too much money around?

Why? Cause he can and it doesn’t matter to him, that’s why.

I’ve heard some of the reported deals and quite a few are above what wwe would do and he’s clearly giving more in the deal on top vs the LOL WWE independent contractor model. I know he dgaf so w/e but it’s the difference between a fan owning a company and a guy who treats it like a pure business. I think somewhere in between is the best here.

I meant why do you think he is giving away too much money but you answered that. Seems to me that paying wrestlers there actual value is good for the entire business unlike WWE.

If this actually happens…

Sami is up around the same time. Maybe even sooner.

Finished PPV last night. Really fun show.

Miro/Kingston: Not the biggest fan of Kingston’s shtick, but the match was fine and the right guy won.

Mox/Kojima: Loved it. And Suzuki coming out was a nice surprise. The future match is damaged a little by the fact that they have fought before, but should still be fun.

Baker/Statlander: Nothing special, but decent enough.

Lucha Brothers/Young Bucks: Mostly agree with the TN and CM opinion about the cutesy spots. That said, it was a good match. As someone who loved Pentagon and Fenix from Lucha Underground, I was very happy to see them get their moment.

Battle Royale: Well booked and was happy to see Ruby land on her feet post-WWE. I like Rancid and that song, but “Ruby Soho” is a stupid ring name.

MJF/Jericho: Wasn’t really into this at all. I’m just a little tired of Jericho. The crowd was super into it, so maybe this is a me problem.

Punk/Allin: Outstanding. Best match on a pretty damn good card. Glad they didn’t do anything stupid like have Punk lose or try to turn him heel.

Big Show/Marshall: Am I the only one who thinks that QT Marshall looks like Alex Jones? They kept it short and some type of pee break match was necessary before the main event. It did its job, but I really don’t want to see Big Show in any kind of regular in-ring role in the future.

Omega/Christian: Very good match, though my excitement was tempered a bit by the fact that everyone knew that Christian wasn’t winning. The post-match double debut was incredible.


I did manage to find and watch two other matches last night. The women’s title match was fine, and I really liked Miro/Eddie for whatever reason. Miro definitely needs to improve how he applies Game Over to keep it from looking as bad as Cena’s STF, though.

I doubt I’m going to try and find anything else. I know virtually zero about Japan and am definitely not the target audience for Moxley vs. may-as-well-be-random-Japanese-wrestler, I have no desire to watch either a women’s battle royal or a Big Show match, and I am so sick of Jericho and this awful feud that I don’t feel the need to torture myself by watching Jericho go over. I really hope they find something decent for MJF going forward.

Brodus Clay on Fox News with Tully Blanchard’s old TV title belt over his shoulder just broke my brain


It’s a little worrying they waited to announce anything but hopefully it was just for privacy and Papa Haitch is alright.

  1. Dustin Rhodes till being a decent wrestler and an amazing promo is incredible after how long he has been going and his journey.

  2. Malachi Black is a star.

Okay, I’m in for the last bit of Dynamite.

Excited for Moxley and Suzuki.