The Professional Wrestling Thread

I have no idea what to expect here except for a lot of hard hitting chops!

What the fuck they cut off Kaze Ni Nare?

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I remember Dustin when he was “The Natural.” Right around when I first started watching. Fighting Bunkhouse Buck and Stunning Steve Austin for the US title.

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Holy shit at Suzuki’s crimson mask. When did that even happen?

That was way too short. Incredibly disappointing.

Yeah I agree. Wasn’t a great main event. Should have cut the dark order segment and gave it 10 more minutes.

in things that shouldn’t bother me but slighlty do–how the hell is aew gonna get merch sales if all bryan danielson is wearing is plain white shirts

cole is very small for the WWE roster, there just aren’t many people he can wrestle there and it be taken even remotely serious, though I suppose similar can be said for bryan during his run but bryan is way better than cole.

Vince is right more often than he is wrong though with analyzing where his talent should be on the roster. (yeah, he has some lol misses and is stubborn a bit toward bigger guys we know)

That may be true in the past but today’s Vince is successful DESPITE his decisions. The old man is great at running the business side of WWE but can’t book a show worth a damn.

Are people actually excited to watch Adam Cole wrestle? He does nothing for me.

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Looks like it! (I understand this isn’t all due to him).

Lol Impact, how is that even still going

Much more likely top be a Bryan impact than a Cole impact, right?

Definitely, but I still there was a non negligible amount of hardcore NXT fans that followed Cole over.

MJF is so good as a heel and he’s only 25. He’ll end up with some miz like career with hopefully being smart enough to not end up just like the wwe version.

I was more curious if anyone in this thread actual cares about Cole.

Impact is better than ROH.