The Professional Wrestling Thread

Paul Wight seems way out of place with what they’re trying to do. You have a ton of elite wrestlers and then some dude who is about as mobile as Andre the Giant at the end of his career. And he goes off 2nd to last.

It was a classic cool down match. He does commentary on Elevate and wanted a quick 3 minute match. It didn’t take anything away from the show except adding a much needed piss break.

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well they’re trying to do late 90’s wcw so…

also as stated it’s the cool down match between the two biggest ones

this ppv though, they just debuted everyone around I suppose. Didn’t have any idea cole didn’t have a 30 day non compete though. bring on all the WWE rejects!

This is about where they’re starting to get in a weird spot, can’t go too far with that. I don’t have a problem with a few as individuals but uh, they’re definitely toeing the line.

Jon Moxley storyline where he just fights every NJPW guy that nobody outside of NJPW fans have ever heard of and they just get one offs randomly is just bizarre tho.

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Cole probably did, but how it works is weird.

(This is what I’ve read, could be wrong)

So everyone on the main roster has the 90 day rule and NXT has 30 (Black had 30 and they never fixed it which is why he got out so quick) If WWE decides to release someone early (They have 2 years left and WWE says they’re releasing them today), the 90 day clock starts and they still get paid and are still under contract and I think WWE can unrelease them. But Adam Cole’s contract just actually ran out and he could go anywhere right away

The word was that TNT was pissed about big surprise debuts happening on Dynamite (specifically Sting’s) because they wanted to be able to promote the first appearances of big names in advance. CM Punk wasn’t mentioned by name, but his debut was pretty much telegraphed, so wrestling fans knew. So, I suspect the pattern will be, for the most part, the bigger names will debut on PPV or get hyped in advance, but smaller names who aren’t perceived as moving the needle will be allowed to make surprise run-ins on Dynamite and Rampage.

Cole was in this weird situation where his contract expired and he signed a short-term extension so he could finish out his feud with Kyle O’Reilly. I guess that short contract had language to allow him to go somewhere or else his 30 day clock started ticking after the expiration of his old contract.

Can’t remember if this was mentioned in this thread, but now they’re in the same promotion.

I just cant wait for the debut of Brie Modeeeeeeeee in an AEW ring

Skipped all the way to the end of this thread. Been with friends and hiking all yesterday and today, and don’t know anything besides that Tilted post that gave high praise to the tag team title match.

Gonna start watching All Out now. I feel like my expectations are too high.

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Enjoy the ride!

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i’m honestly impressed by the total lack of cynicism it takes to enjoy pro wrestling. i think i’m incapable of such purity.

True well done wrestling is one of life’s great pleasures and there is no other medium like it. The long term story telling combined with elite athleticism is unique and incredibly interesting. There is a reason there is a ton of crossover with modern day NBA fans and pro wrestling. Something like All Out (the event that just happened) can only happen in this specific kayfabe “world”. It’s so much fun.

i don’t actually know what that means tbh.

I watched 10 minutes and a dude who stole Shawn Michaels persona raised his hands and called his name and added bay bay and every single person in the audience joined. I would be physically incapable of doing so, which is only on me.

You’re missing around 7 years of context lol. I get it, it doesn’t make sense but it’s amazing sometimes.

Am I hopelessly out of touch for not knowing who CM Punk is?

As in you have never heard the name CM Punk ever in your life? Yeah pretty much lol. Then again he hasn’t really been relevant in 7 years so it makes sense.

I’ve heard the name before, but if you asked me who he was I would have guessed a rapper lol.

I was living abroad 7 or 8 years ago if that makes it any better

cm punk was a top wrestling star from early to middle 2010’s then got sick (literally and figuratively) in the wwe, so he then went to get his ass kicked in the UFC, and people thought he may not come back ever to the wrasslin business since he was indeed gone for 7 years.

okay slightly before 2010, had totally forgotten doc gallows (one of the club, part of the kenny omega elite stable) was in punk’s brief straight edge society club.

Fun show so far. Will watch the second half tomorrow.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1434880636913950720|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

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I’m trying to watch as much of the PPV as I can find online. So far, I’ve seen Omega/Cage (very good despite not believing for a second Christian could win), Punk/Darby (great return match for Punk while still showcasing Darby) and the tag title match, which is the one I liked least (by a lot). Too much choreography and obvious cooperation, and too many cutesy spots and gaps in logic for me to think it was anything but just good.