The Professional Wrestling Thread

Yeah I think its just 1 night thankfully.

Interested to see Oldberg just for the unintentional lols, and hopefully it’s like 3 minutes max. I can’t imagine there is anyone who is legitimately interested in seeing Oldberg.

Almost a Super Hero, she cashed in a MITB briefcase.

Imagine that the WWE had decided to put the strap on The Hurricane back in the day.

well, he is the last person to pin the rock on raw

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Well at least they learned their lesson and arent calling her S.H.I.T.

Ummmm, who is this not Elias?

Wait is Nakamura not wrestling? Wtf was that?

I tapped out. I can’t watch this shit.

Lol, wat? Did they just bait and switch one of their top three matches?

Ohhhhhhhh. Ok

Oh come on, after that did they really have to do a 5 second match. Happy to see Becky back though


Probably not the best option to totally punk out your 4 month champ.

Between this and Brock--------> Kofi, id say this is super notagoodlookdawg.gif

When did they give Becky a Rock Bottom finisher?

Seriously, if you are gonna squash fine. But it should be at absolute worst a minute or two.

lmaoooooo at all of that

Right, didnt she and Banks go almost 30 min at WM, and then you drop her in 12 seconds to a fucking rock bottom?


And I LIKE Becky, but they could have had an actual match

Oh wow, Jinder is back. They must be going to Saudia Arabia again soon, eh?

so let me get this straight, sasha’s out or w/e you call an audible so she’s “out” so you have carmella there except becky comes in and then just buries the hell out of her, she gets a title shot b/c well john cena always does for no reason so why not, then you have bianca accept the challenge to get straight up buried by your returning star who everyone in attendance wants to cheer for, but is acting like a giant heel (which in wwe means she’s a face? hard to tell in that company) so that’s a double burial for no reason at all. GJGE.

Was gonna turn it on, but saw what happened with Bianca and fuck that.

Also Meltzer said that they’ve known since LAST WEEKEND than Sasha wasn’t going to be available tonight.