The Professional Wrestling Thread

Jesus Christ. I almost became an actuary!


Legit impressed the crowd just pulled off singing Judas without music or cues. That seemed impossible.

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Looks up age…

Wtf Sting is 62 years old and they are still putting him through a table, followed by having him do a double submit…God damn Sting

More to the point, Sting had a career-ending neck injury against Rollins where he was told that taking any more bumps could paralyze him. Wtf, indeed.


Happy CM Punk return to wrestling day!!


Part of me wants Cult of Personality to hit and then MJF walks out but I’d be genuinely worried the Chicago fans would lose their minds and riot.

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That idea is so good I don’t know how could pass on it.

I want to see a feud where Punk gets criticized for being a part-timer and turns heel.

I see the value in Punk, but I’m not a fan. I find his fans to be obnoxious and I would be happy to see them trolled. I never found his in-ring work to be interesting. I want to see him eventually putting over a young guy the way Jericho put over MJF. Sammy? GTS vs GTH?

I wish Punk’s debut could go something like this. Darby calls him out. Punk appears. The Acclaimed interrupt and Max Caster gets in an absolutely filthy, tasteless rap that gets Punk mad when he name-drops AJ. Not sure what Caster’s status is right now. The rumor is a two month suspension and sensitivity training.

Maybe Punk will want to feud with Dan Lambert so he can get a (worked) MMA win.

One of the GOAT segments:


They have shirts ready to go.

Damn Bruce. I like you but these ideas are terrible lol.

I’m really entranced with the idea of getting nuclear heat on someone by having them attack Punk before he can say a word, so that CM Punk’s first appearance, his first promo, and his first match boost three different shows.

My wife’s principle gave her some old school figures for our party tonight!

Remember wrestling buddies? Man, I had Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior.

I’m nostalgic for wrestling now.

Will tune if for Rampage to see if I like AEW. Probably the first time I’ll watch a full wrestling show in almost 2 decades.

Here’s a great writeup for tonight in case you want to catch up on any backstory stuff.

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This is perfect, thanks

Crowd seems excited.

The anti-NBZ approach, just send him out in the first second of the show.