The Professional Wrestling Thread

The Ultimate Warrior Obv

Made me like in the steam room kinda sosialistickind of gay woorker uninon kind of gay,
muscular in the steeam romm kond of steel worker kind of persom

some spelling errors maybe

Haha, oh wow. Somehow I never knew that about her. Learn something new every day.

This fucking idiot is finding new lows.


Took a horrible AMA by her for this apology to happen

That said, it seems legit.

Feels genuine, although I’m not buying the “I shared it because I was so desperate to not believe Sandy Hook was real” part. But it does sound like she took it down quickly, though, probably realizing she had f’d up. And I really can’t blame her for not drawing attention to herself afterwards, if nobody was coming after her about it.

RIP, may he powerbomb jobbers and play the shit out of some softball in the afterlife.

Dammit. We were live, pal. Another wrestler joins the Roddy Piper “I ain’t gonna make 65” club. He was 63.

He was quite bad in the ring, but I remember him fondly anyway.

Oh jeez, I didn’t realize at first that was Sid Vicious. That sucks.

Wow, that one came out of left field.

RIP. He played a part in that fun bit where Heath Slater fought a bunch of old people bit before Raw 1000.

Despite being the unquestioned worst main eventer in WM history, I had a soft spot for Sid. He was so charismatic that he managed to engineer two of the biggest crowd revolts ever: the finish of Royal Rumble 92 when the unthinkable happened and he got them to turn on Hogan, and the finish of Survivor Series 96 when he got them to turn on HBK.

The crowd was also supposed to take his attack on Michaels the night after WM XI as a Michaels face turn. They 100% backed Sid as the one turning face until Nash came out for the save.

Do you really think he’s unquestionably worse than Ultimate Warrior?

I definitely think he was worse than Warrior. Sid never had a truly great match in my eyes. Warrior had a few.

No doubt. Warrior’s main event was really good. The worst mains I’ve ever seen were Sid/Hogan at VIII and Sid/Taker at XIII.

I suppose wrestlers like Mabel, who briefly rose to be main eventers don’t count.

In any case, I think Warrior was way better than Sid. He had an elite look, pretty solid character, and some of his promos were interesting and was over as fawk. He also had pretty solid matches with Hogan, Rude, and Savage. Sid pretty much only had 1 non-stinker and that was vs. HBK. So Warrior beats him on all counts.

I do prefer Sid’s promo work to Warrior’s, but not by nearly enough to swing that overall comparison. Sid’s look was also no less elite than Warrior’s. But he was absolutely dreadful in the ring in a way that Warrior wasn’t quite SO bad.