The Professional Wrestling Thread

So Rock has gone full blown bloodline heel

This makes absolutely no sense with the Cody surrendering the WrestleMania spot to Rock a few weeks ago, but WWE is clearing retconning that.

Honestly I am fine with that, but I still don’t know what that leaves WrestleMania at.

Looking at the thumbnail it looks like The Nation of Domination is making a comeback.

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I’m disappointed he didn’t come out to his old Hollywood Rock music. Literally the only version of his theme that was any good.

I’d probably take the Nation remix of his theme as the default best, but the point certainly stands that they amazingly never managed to put a great theme with one of the all-time great wrestlers. Very weird.

Can’t say I’d encountered this one before.


Is this from The Self-Destruction of The Ultimate Warrior?

I wouldn’t think so since I definitely watched that and this seems completely foreign.

LOL, he couldn’t even talk like a somewhat normal human for 15 seconds. Always has to be incoherent ramblings.

Drugs is a hell of a drug


Never understood a word the guy said but whatever it was, it definitely pumped me up when I was watching

I think this is from the a&e documentary on warrior. Iirc he snapped at some kid wanting an autograph at an airport and thr kids family was important enough that they knew vince or knew someone who did.

Reminds me of this excerpt from Bret Hart’s book.

“I got to see exactly what kind of champion Warrior was during a show in Omaha.

Propped up on a stretcher a few feet outside of the dressing room was a Make-A-Wish kid who looked to be down to his last few hours.

There was not a hair left on his head, and not even his Warrior face paint could mask his sad eyes. Sickly pale and barely breathing through a ventilator tube, the boy wore a purple Warrior T-shirt and green and orange tassels tied around his biceps to honor his hero.

His mother and father and an older brother and sister were with him, patiently waiting for the promised encounter with The Ultimate Warrior.

I bent over to say hello, as did all the other wrestlers on the way into the dressing room.

It was odd, but there was Warrior actually sitting with us: He usually kept to himself in his private dressing room.

By the time the third match started, a WWF public relations rep poked his head in and politely asked Warrior if he was ready to meet the dying boy.

Warrior grunted, "In a f*in’ minute. I’m busy."

I thought to myself, ‘Busy doing what, talking to a bunch of guys you can’t stand anyway?’

As the night wore on, the family waited just outside the dressing room door, the boy hanging on to his dying wish to meet his hero.

As I was returning to the dressing room after my match, I was relieved to see that they weren’t there anymore; I assumed that the kid’s wish had come true.

Warrior’s entrance music played while Jim and I quickly showered in hopes of beating the crowd out of the building.

We’d have to hurry since Warrior never went over ten minutes. We dressed, grabbed our bags, and took off. As we rounded a corner down a backstage ramp, we came upon the boy and his weary family, who had been moved there so as not to get in the way of Warrior’s entrance.

I thought, ‘That lousy piece of s***.’

He’d made them wait all night, unable to summon the compassion to see this real little warrior.

Hogan, Randy, and countless others, including André, never hesitated to take the time to meet a sick, dying kid.

My disgust for Warrior magnified a thousand times. To me, he was a coward, a weakling, and a phony hero.”

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The Ho Kogan “Crash the Plane” promo was epic. I miss that style of promo. I guess it helped that the guys cutting those promos were on copious amounts of coke.

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So looks like it is going to be

Rock and Roman v Seth and Cody night 1 for night 2 to be anything goes

Roman v Cody night 2

I’m assuming Seth and Cody lose night 1 due to interference. Then in return Seth, Sami, Owens, hell pretty much any face possible comes out to stop the bloodline interfering. Even if there is shenanigans, good lord there will be shenanigans, Cody needs to beat Roman clean.

I thought it was surely Cody’s time last year, and I’m impressed they made Roman last another year and still have me care coming into Wrestlemania. But they just can’t let Roman win again…

It feels kinda bad that I only just found out that WrestleMania is this weekend.

It doesn’t feel bad enough to make me want to watch weekly shows again, but I definitely don’t prefer a state of affairs that leads to me being this thoroughly lapsed.

Ive been lapsed for a while. I intended to run a Peehs for this one, but just remembered today and that is not enough time to get entries

Are Raw/Smackdown any good these days? Occasionally I check show ratings on CageMatch and it seems like they’re doing better, but I don’t care enough to watch.

I had been watching AEW for awhile, but gave up after about a year and now just catch PPVs. I really like AEW’s roster, but Khan’s booking style is just awful so I know I won’t enjoy the weekly product enough.