The Professional Wrestling Thread

(I’m aware he’s only broken his foot but the meme amuses me)


Someone should do a Photoshop for CM Peanut Brittle, the snack of the snackless.

That’s some quality kayfabing there.


Are they trying to make a Yes Movement 2.0 behind Cody?

That wouldn’t make sense though.

The Yes Movement storyline was that Daniel Bryan wanted to be at the top of the card but the powers that be didn’t want that.

The segment last night was just Cody giving up something an opportunity that he has talked about for over a year.

I’m trying to fight recency bias (and with the caveat that I don’t follow it nearly as much as I used to), but that has to be the worst WWE segment in I don’t know how long.

In about 5 minutes, they nonsensically buried Seth, his title, Cody and the Royal Rumble for a guy who has wrestled 6 matches in the last 20 years.

It makes sense if you think of WWE creative as the biggest heels and fans revolting against bad booking.

If you had to guess now, who does Roman face at Wrestlemania?
  • Roman vs Rock, Cody is not involved
  • Roman vs Cody, Rock is not involved
  • Roman vs Cody, Rock is ref (or similar role)
  • Roman vs Rock vs Cody
  • Roman vs Rock, Roman vs Cody on separate nights
  • Something else
0 voters

Somehow I don’t think that Barry Horowitz could have successfully risen to the top by just doing the same thing.

Man I do believe they were prepping for Roman v Rock a week ago. But maybe they were ahead of the game, because I don’t see how they can do Roman v Rock with how hard the fans have turned already on Rock

(well they can still do so my vote) My vote is Roman v Rock, Seth v Cody (maybe 3 way with Drew) night 1. Cody v Roman night 2.

This is my vote as well, but they have to make this clear quickly to avoid a heel-heel match on night 1. The fans are PISSED — I saw tweets all weekend that the full segment video from SD was WWE’S most disliked video ever on YouTube and crowds were booing it nonstop at shows over the weekend.

Longer time for voting now:

If you had to guess now, who does Roman face at Wrestlemania?
  • Roman vs Rock, Cody is not involved
  • Roman vs Cody, Rock is not involved
  • Roman vs Cody, Rock is ref (or similar role)
  • Roman vs Rock vs Cody
  • Roman vs Rock, Roman vs Cody on separate nights
  • Something else
0 voters

I don’t see how they can go ahead with Rock vs Roman at this point, even on Night 1. Fans are shitting all over this to a degree not seen since Daniel Bryan at WM 30. It’s making mainstream news outlets.


Scott Norton thought he could rise to the top by just not selling ever.