The Professional Wrestling Thread

After seeing Bret Hart come back after the Montreal Screwjob and the death of Owen through WWE negligence, there’s just no reason to believe that “never going back to WWE” is actually a thing.

Missed opportunity for Punk to be wearing HHH’s blazer.


I can’t wait for the return of Velveteen Dream.

I can’t name one potential CM Punk WWE match that interests me and there were only a couple I would have wanted to see in AEW. Maybe I’d like to see him in a promo battle vs LA Knight.

I can’t even really think of anyone who would shock me, I guess Moxley would be the most unlikely at this point, but even that’s not too hard to imagine.

(I’m leaving out cases like Velveteen Dream where it’s WWE who wants nothing to do with him because of legal issues and only of cases were WWE would have interest)

Ryback? The former Tyler Reks?

I mean, I guess, but I’m trying to think of at least fringe Hall of Fame level talent. I’d also be surprised if Eli Cottonwood came back, but who cares?

I turned on Raw for the first time in 7 years and am already regretting my decision.


They did an unbelievably poor job of paying off last night early in the show.

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Yeah, when Punk came back I thought two things:

  1. If anything can get me to tune back in, even temporarily, this is it.
  2. Probably still not tuning in.

But as long as I’m aware they’re happening, I’ll try to be in live for the Rumble and Mania.

Punk could be the biggest heel ever if they portrayed him as a chicken-shit hypocrite who avoids fights as much as possible because he isn’t sure that he can go in the ring anymore and he cheats on AJ.

Jesus christ

Edit: Probably the only thing that keeps her alive going forward. She would have killed herself or another innocent person

I heard about that. She has like a dozen prior DUIs, not surprised she had the book thrown at her.

Yeah, had two surprises reading that. 1.That she had killed a man after having ten plus DUIs and 2. That she is only 50. Which means she siged with the E when she was 21 or 22.

No fucking wonder. Becoming a worldwide sex symbol before 25 and losing that status well before she turned 30. That has to fuck you up something fierce. Especially when the only people who you can talk to or commiserate with are a bunch of fucking carnies.

seems to refer to

Going to Dynamite tonight. On paper, card doesn’t look bad. Hope they give the women enough time.


They’ll at least get decent time for the intros

Enjoyable show. Pretty much every result was predictable, but there was nothing tonight that I hated.