The Professional Wrestling Thread


It got 4. Didn’t watch the match (and that clip doesn’t make me want to), but just going to guess I would disagree.

Just to show how idiotic that is, that appears to be the exact same rating Meltzer gave to Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect at Summerslam 91.

Big Dave cares not for your historical context. In the Cornette video I linked above, he notes that there had been more five-star ratings given to Jon Moxley in the past year than were given to the entire WWF/WWE promotion from 1997 to 2011. Little did we know that the least talented member of The Shield is in fact deserving of a place on wrestling’s Mt. Rushmore.

Meltzer is being paid under the table by Khan to promote AEW, right?

Some people might find Cornette off-putting but I actually like him.

Just a terrible spot there. Looks like they were about to recover and jump right into their next high spot too. Watching an AEW match is like watching a movie that’s only explosions.

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That match was actually Orange Cassidy forcing Penta to tone it down. OC has become really great at fitting his schtick into other people’s matches and Penta has all the stuff he likes to fit in and needs to be held back. Sometimes, it’s a taunt. Sometimes, it’s him buying a breather. It makes sense within the flow of the match and limits the flippiness.

I’ve got Orange as a top three wrestler in AEW right now. (On the other hand, I dislike both Punk and the Bucks.). I felt that was a great promo at the end (…because I’m Freshly Squeezed Orange Cassidy and I DO NOT have a catchphrase).

The truest line on that whole BS interview was Meltzer’s Freudian slip that five stars was reserved for the elite. To which Corny, Last, and everyone listening said, “Right! Five stars is for The Elite!”

I was in a discussion somewhere else about Meltzer going off the deep end a while back, and I discovered that Kenny Omega has more five-star+ matches than all of these guys combined:

  • Ricky Steamboat
  • Randy Savage
  • Bret Hart
  • Owen Hart
  • Curt Hennig
  • Shawn Michaels
  • Steve Austin
  • Eddie Guerrero
  • Chris Benoit
  • Kurt Angle

Trying to make sense of the current era with Meltzer is like dealing with baseball’s steroid era, on steroids.

In the discussion for GOAT in pro wrestling and he never had a 5 star match.

Bryan Danielson never had one either until 2 years ago. He’s had 4 more since.

just inflating grades like the education system

79 was a D at my high school or some shit I don’t remember before they changed it to the 70/80/90/100 scale. They didn’t adjust so we all got hosed.

I really doubt steve ever had a five star match, five star gimmick and that time he hit two catchphrases for merch in the same promo tho

Surely Austin/Bret at WM13 must have gotten the full 5.

He was in two, actually – the Dangerous Alliance WarGames match in 1992 and WM13 against Bret Hart.

ah right I’d give the credit on the wrestling part to bret though it was five storytelling for sure, you’re all right.

Austin was as capable as anyone in the business at keeping up with Bret at that point, before Owen messed up his neck and forced him to change styles. Granted that Bret was especially amazing in that match and I can buy giving him 60% of the credit for it, but Austin was incredible too. There is no better match that I’ve ever seen.

That match did cause Austin-Bret from Survivor Series '96 to be largely forgotten, but that’s a legit 4.5-star match in its own right. Those two made some sweet music together.


Should be interesting to see the response from the crowds in Chicago in 3 & 27 hours.

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Punk is the #1 merch seller for AEW by far

wonder if there’s video gets leaked at some point since it’s wembley

said in reddit comments I enjoyed reading

target is hiring

Jack Perry brings out the X title

Khan addressed it tonight, said he felt threatened for the first time at a wrestling show in his life. Felt other staff too.

He had just given punk his own show and the balls to do it with cause right in front of his hometown crowd for the ppv. Good for you tony, good for you.

now popcorn for the lawsuits and if punk just verbally goes after them all, you know he’s the real type to keep all his grievances to himself.

These outbursts and fights make me worry he has CTE issues