The Professional Wrestling Thread

He could, they all could, but I’d be more worried if it was a wrestler like Mick Foley or Bryan Danielson who suddenly turned into a ball of rage. I understand that this specific sort of incident isn’t really in Punk’s known history, but being a perpetual asshole leads to confrontations which leads to escalations. Not really my inclination to think first to CTE to connect the dots here.

Yeah, I wasnt thinking so either after the first couple of times, but it seems to be escalating, which is worrisome.

And it could just be that he clearly, deeply hates the industry and doesn’t see any other alternatives for himself so its just turning him into a ball of rage.

really tired of everyone trying to find something to blame like CTE when that’s just who he is and who he’s always been.

I don’t think he was in the wrong with perry on his point but you gotta learn to just say what you say and if they don’t listen well that’s on them instead of flying off a handle.

Yeah, honestly it’s very easy to see him being the personality type who gets in lots of conflicts and somehow manages to convince himself over and over that everyone else is the problem, never stopping to consider that he’s the common denominator.

Of course, he’s far from being the only asshole in the industry, so in some of these I’m sure he has indeed been in the right, but it’s nearly impossible that he lacks blame in his whole history of conflict.

CM Punk is living his gimmick.

He fancies himself a modern-day Bret Hart, but he’s more of a Shawn Michaels backstage tribute act, just without drugs as an excuse.

vince said punk was worse than that

Vince is pretty low-credibility when it comes to evaluating the behavior of Shawn Michaels.

I don’t really enjoy Punk matches, but I despise his most hardcore fans on the internet, so I hope the fallout from all of this causes as much pain and suffering for his most dedicated partisans on the same way that I root against ECW fans.

That’s a really sad way to go through life.

It’s the same way I think about Trump fans.

This could be fun.

I wish this guy would show up:


Punk fans going after khan’s he was scared comment, it’s definitely on the weak side, maybe the lawyers wrote it/told him to say it but also we know tony would get destroyed by punk in a fight and may have never been punched in the face in his life.

also “this stuff happened all the time in the old times” it’s not the old times guys. A lot of that shit ain’t flying now

Lol at Chicago fans chanting “Oh cry me a river”

Even though Cornette hates Trump, the cult of Cornette is basically MAGA applied to wrestling fandom.

Or, any group of fans of anything will have an element that goes a bit too far.

Cornette has described Megha as a Bucks stooge and sounds like he wants to imply more. The craziness comes from the top down with the cult.

Finally got through All Out. Bryan Danielson and Orange Cassidy are two of the top three wrestlers in AEW. I’m not sure who the third one is.

There’s a big gulf between Cornette saying Megha was involved in making the termination statement seem like Tony was fearing for his life to prepare for an eventual lawsuit, and this rando saying Megha was the mastermind behind some psyop designed to send Punk over the edge.

Besides, Cornette and Last (ESPECIALLY Last) have been right about the craziness in AEW way more than not. He was saying Cody was about to leave not long before he actually did. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have an extremely reliable source.

When Cornette described her as close to the Bucks, but not as close as she is to some of the boys, he’s implying she’s fucking around in the locker room, right?

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