The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

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Cool statement. If you can’t spot the sucker at the table…


Wow, pretty damn bad when “Thank god for Mississippi” doesn’t apply.


So, who’s putting up billboards and running ads in West Virginia pointing this out?

If you’re upset about Build Back Better, it’s ok to direct some of your anger toward the 50 Republican Senators who won’t support it either.

Your favorite team decides to punt on 4th and 1 from midfield down 3 points with 3 minutes to go.

Me: Pissed at coach

Iron: You should also be angry at the players on the other team who decided to get a couple of first downs to ice the game.


Should really be mad at the Founding Fathers for writing such a shitty constitution, imo.


Has anyone ever seen iron and Manchin in the same room? Makes you think.


Give them another trillion, should fix it

Good luck I guess. Count me out of voting Dem and kinda hope we get Trump and a filibuster proof senate and 350 house seats. It is what we deserve as a country.

If the progressives have any guts they will start openly supporting primary challengers to incumbents in 2022 and announce they will be running a primary challenger in 2024

Not sure what I’m supposed to do. No way am I donating to, voting for or volunteering for any eDem loser ever again. I’ll give money to and vote for and volunteer for progressives, not sure what else you’re looking for here. I was team blue no matter who, I was wrong, I admit I was wrong, I’m not willing to die.

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So 2024, Trump vs Biden, you sit it out and don’t check either box.

I guess it’s more or less guilt-free to do in SC. In VA, I think that would be very bad.

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Primary the fuck out of every eDem, get involved in local politics and small-ball races.

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Yes. I will potentially support a different candidate to the extent that is relevant to your vote in the 2024 Dem primary.

That’s a fine mental exercise, but if Biden runs, he’s winning the nom.

So it’s really just a question of who you vote for in the general

A. Shitlib Biden
B. Florida Man
C. None of the above

If those are the options, C


well shitlib biden is as pissed at Manchin as you are

that’s something right?

Now imagine you live somewhere that it matters. How about Pennsylvania? Still C?


It’s nothing if he doesn’t do anything about it.

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