The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Seriously I’d love to know how this idiot thinks this ends for him. Does he really think the GQP is going to welcome him with open arms??? They’re gonna run some far right q-tip against him in his very first primary and his gonna get his coal-huffing ass curbstomped. Dumbass.

Manchin does seem like a special kind of asshole though. Personally handing Biden a piece of paper outlining his proposal then going on Fox News Business (lol that’s a thing? What?) to say he won’t vote for the stuff on the piece of paper is, even for Washington, appalling behavior. Which does not absolve anyone for thinking it would go differently.

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Manchin seems to have a pretty good idea of his electoral chances

In August 2017, Morrisey publicly asked Manchin to resign from the Senate Democratic leadership. Manchin responded, “I don’t give a shit, you understand?” to a Charleston Gazette-Mail reporter. “I just don’t give a shit. Don’t care if I get elected, don’t care if I get defeated, how about that?”

His main goal right now seems to be protecting his sweet sweet coal income as long as possible and he’s got at least another 3 years of that locked up.


It’s time for progressives to directly compare Biden to Manchin in pressing him to honor commitments about student loan forgiveness.


All Manchin needs to do to win is to switch to GOP.

Are we sure he hasn’t already? How would we know?

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Because of all the Biden judges and appointees he’s voted for.

How about an EPA directive that coal is dangerous and can no longer be used. Or an Executive Order?

Holy shit, he doesn’t even have to do forgiveness at this point if he’s afraid of the optics, just fucking extend the payment freeze indefinitely.


Lol, no. He voted to impeach Trump twice, and he lives in WV. He will get wafflecrushed in a GOP primary.


He’s popular there, tho. I think he could pull it off despite that.

He’s not that popular, his margin of victory in 2018 was only 3.3%.

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3.3% in WV is pretty damn amazing for a Dem.



West Virginia does not have open primaries. The people he’s popular with aren’t helping him.

Yeah, probably not quite the lock I might have made it sound like.

I’d probably bet Manchin in GOP primary at even money if that came to pass.

He’d also have to take a knee to Trump to make it happen. Not completely impossible despite his impeachment votes imo, but Manchin would have to be both an all-time scumbag and cuck to cut a deal w/ Trump that stops him from nuking him.

So, basically he’ll just need to pull a Ted Cruz? I could see that.

we’re again assuming Joe Manchin is locked into anything because he said it on fox news I see.

not gonna find it but I do remember earlier in this presidency he was on CNN/FOX News on the same day and said two completely different things to the same question b/c he knew what audiences were watching and played them.

He plays a frustrating as hell game of politics but it’s worked for him.

I think Bernie/Warren are wrong about insisting we should just vote right now though, a bill that won’t get voted in and forcing some senators to make a vote on a bill that I figure isn’t popular because almost nobody else in the senate is talking about it and hasn’t for months. Sure it’ll make their voters feel better but they make the mistake of thinking the world is watching or most people are following like they and their pals are when most people only know prices of shit is going up way too much too fast and I doubt majority of people could tell you one thing that’s in the bill.

I’d be shocked if Manchin hasn’t definitely voted later for things he said oh hell no on TV in the past but yeah for now BBB is not going anywhere and I figure sinema is also still a no. Don’t recall Manchin willing to go out on the island alone ever anyway fwiw.

Manchin has stated R’s would hate him at least as much as D’s cause he doesn’t fall in line with them either so he’d go I if anything.

If I had a ton of money, I would commission a poll in West Virginia to test just how popular various parts of BBB are in Manchin country.