The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

We’re now officially fucked:

It’s only official when Riverman says it.

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Don’t lump Omar in with the rest of them. She’s a cut above.

The media would go nuts blaming the progressives if they hadn’t played ball.


Fucking idiots

Maybe if she had sent Manchin a COVID test things would have been different.

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This is how Social Media Brain™ works. Someone who spends dozens of hours speaking extemporaneously says two sentences that people don’t like and they start repeating it to get RTs. All of a sudden it’s the only thing anyone cares about.


Imagine, in 2021 America, being surprised by any of this. It seems the only people in the entire country who are actually surprised comprise the Biden Administration. What a bunch of suckers, sellouts and imbeciles.

Literally her only job is to avoid horrible gaffes like that one. No one pays any attention to her whatsoever unless she gaffes.

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Iron maybe sit this one out on the day the entire eDem agenda got nuked for good bro.

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That’s one way to look at it. Another, more accurate way, to look at it is that for long time the Dems got credit for simply being “not Trump”. Psaki looked great, and still looks great, compared to the Trump Press Secretaries that just came out and told blatant lies. Biden got credit for not rage tweeting incoherent nonsense every morning and stoking violent racial conflict every afternoon. But their grace period is long over. If Psaki really is caught off guard by the unreliability of Joe Manchin on … DECEMBER 19, 2021 (!!!) then she truly is an imbecile who shouldn’t be anywhere near Washington. If she is just putting on a show to dupe the rubes then she’s pure evil. And really you more than anyone on the forum should be mad about it, she’s taking advantage of the Trusting Centrists most of all.


Ha ha we totally independently landed on the word “imbecile”. MUST BE THE SOCIAL MEDIA BRAIN!

Everyone remembers the standoff on infrastructure and BBB going at the same time and if you started there maybe there was nothing Biden could do.

But this all started because Biden insisted on separating the infrastructure bill from the rest of his agenda in the first place…. for the purpose of letting Rs vote for infrastructure to soften their reputations as extremist, obstructionist insurrectionists and help themselves politically. GJGE!

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Like Mitch McConnell knew he won this like 90 days into the administration. They’re laughably incompetent and it’s impossible to makes excuses for these people when everyone but Iron knew this was exactly would happen. They’re either in on it or laughably dumb, or both.

I mean, Mitch and Manchild spoke privately this week and Manchild announced his opposition to BBB on FoxNews ffs. It’s pretty obvious the call was coming from inside the house the entire time. That piece of shit should have been cut off at the knees long ago.

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Being an unflappable eDem stan is the best way of pushing the country to the left.

FWIW, I thought Psaki was replacement level* from day one.

*Compared to the next person Biden would have appointed, not compared to the Trump all-stars.

I think the “unflappable” isn’t right here. When they get something wrong you should call them out for it even if you are a “supporter” of the centrist approach.

Hot take: Manchin is running for re-election in WV and thinks he can win. Not hot take: Manchin will not win re-election in WV.