The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

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twitter bio:

NEVER FORGET when we VOTE we WIN! #GoodTrouble NO LISTS PLEASE #BLM Raised fist Rainbow flagAlly ~ #ThankYouBrandon Blue heart Good Trouble


Had to check if that was true. Is that a real person or a bot?

The pikachu face to end all pikachu faces.


The scientific method has five basic steps, plus one feedback step:
Make an observation.
Ask a question.
Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
Test the prediction.
Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.
The scientific method is used in all sciencesā€”including chemistry, physics, geology, and psychology.

But never Democratic politics.

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Boy am I glad the Dems didnā€™t nuke Manchin from orbit, we may have never negotiated this type of hard compromise without proper deference and skillful diplomacy.

LOL cuck losers. Progressive caucus included, who all knew better and did it anyway because they were boxed in. Letting olds win because they told you that they had a board lock, smh. Hopefully they never make this mistake again LOLOLOOL

The problem is that the progressive caucus wants to help people, and the Infrastructure Bill does that. You canā€™t blame the progressive caucus for not sinking that in the end.


Every bill ā€˜helps peopleā€™, thatā€™s not a justification for hoping grandpa could alter an incredibly obvious sequence of events. If the progressive caucus is so easily (and I do mean easily, all that bluster for months and months just to negotiate against themselves, snap roll over and get rolled anyway) defeated theyā€™re frankly not equipped to defeat their political enemies in any reasonable timeframe.

The only change that happens in this is when they show a willingness to actually use their teeth. No one needed yet another ā€œthis is the final timeā€ example, and they did it anyway.

I guess the sun is technically foreign, but the supply chain from there to here has been steady, historically.


The progressives didnā€™t have much of a choice and they should get a pass if their strategy has been to cooperate once to show they are reasonable and play hardball from now on. If they had blocked the bill they would have been painted as obstructionists. Now they can always point to this and they say we were cheated and lied to once, we are not going to vote for future bills unless we get what we want first.
Weā€˜ll see if thatā€˜s waht they are going to do.


I know, Iā€™m just aggravated.


Well this already happened in 2009-2011 with the same promises of ā€œnever again.ā€ The problem is that opportunities like this only come up once a decade and by the time the next one rolls around everyone will have forgotten and it will be again time for the media to blame progressives for not caving to the milquetoast lowest common denominator.


2021 was different. You need to let that go. This is the most important time for our democracy right now. Do you really want to hand a win to the republicans? Remember vote blue no matter who or you hate black people, women, and gays which is kind of a bad look not gonna lie.


Hell of a week for the supposed ā€œParty of the Peopleā€

I still hold on to the belief that Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, Porter Tlaib et al. have more spine and more deeply held convictions.

Iā€™m donā€™t think there are enough "et al"s there.

I think she got a little over her skis dunking on Doocy, which is like playing against a toddler with a little tykes goal

That exchange with the NPR reporter about covid tests really showed what a hack she is.

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I must say I didnā€™t not expect this level of shade thrown as Psaki.

I just assumed everyone thought she was awesome.