The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Man, 2023 looks great!


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GOP is next-level good at this stuff. Confirm a guy to a relatively meaningless position and now surely he’ll find himself in negative ads of some kind. Also, huh?

The Senate during a rare middle-of-the-night session confirmed Rahm Emanuel to be President Biden’s ambassador to Japan.

Senators voted 48-21 early Saturday morning on Emanuel’s nomination.

Can we confirm voting rights that way too??

Norms can only be broken to approve things that Republicans are ok with. The system works!

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Do they honestly think anyone gives a fuck? 41 ambassadors! FUCK YOU

And they did all this without 60 votes.

I can’t think of anything else that this could be useful for.

The district court judges matter. Maybe not a lot but they matter. One thing Biden is doing better then Obama is taking a page out of Trump’s book and getting a lot of judges appointed quickly.

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Lmao congrats on getting some ambassador posts filled after 11 months when you control Congress too. Thank you, working hard!


This is yet another perfect example of what Dems do with power vs. what Rs do with power. The Dems are engaged in asymmetric warfare with terrorists and they want to be friends with the terrorists.

I used to think so.

Now I think they’re truly in on it.

Notice how they’re always just one vote short? Even when they had 60 senators? Keep mashing that act blue button! #blm! Fuck ‘em.

It can’t be that easy, can it?

Maybe the Republicans would be motivated to wake up for that vote, though.

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Working hard! Thank you!

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Psaki is about 10% as smart as she thinks she is. The whole administration is a bunch of lifelong eDem assholes. I hate them so much.


Yeah, definitely this. Everyone hails her as a real life CJ Cregg, but she is merely competent.

Like I hate Pete but he’s legit very smart and would crush in that job. Psaki is just a garden variety replacement level eDem whatever person.


You go up against Doocy every day you would look elite.

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But why would you do these distances with a truck instead of just using a train?

The bar is so low though. Donnie Dumb Dumb had a Press Sec that didn’t even do briefings.

I don’t think all are. I think they’re more individual and each just wants power and money.

Republicans want the same thing but they will throw their own under the bus much quicker because they’re binded more strongly by ideology.

The one vote short thing is an occurrence of certain Dems realizing how much they can gain by exploiting that last vote. Before Trump tho I think it was really unconscionable to nuke the filibuster

There are Adelaide - Darwin and Adelaide - Perth train lines, but the reason people use road freight is inflexibility of timing with rail freight. You can’t just say “I need a train to leave RIGHT NOW”, it doesn’t work that way, especially not when the route is 1,850 miles and has like 3 stops along the way.

The rail line is also not built for high speed - max speeds are comparable with road transport and the economics are not there to upgrade such a massive line.

I guess one thing to realise is that almost all the major population centres in Australia are on the coast. So by default everything coming in internationally is shipped to where it needs to go, that is by far the most economical way of doing it. It’s not like the US where you ship everything to Long Beach and then have to figure out how to distribute it.

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