The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

So 2024, Trump vs Biden, you sit it out and don’t check either box.

I guess it’s more or less guilt-free to do in SC. In VA, I think that would be very bad.

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Primary the fuck out of every eDem, get involved in local politics and small-ball races.

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Yes. I will potentially support a different candidate to the extent that is relevant to your vote in the 2024 Dem primary.

That’s a fine mental exercise, but if Biden runs, he’s winning the nom.

So it’s really just a question of who you vote for in the general

A. Shitlib Biden
B. Florida Man
C. None of the above

If those are the options, C


well shitlib biden is as pissed at Manchin as you are

that’s something right?

Now imagine you live somewhere that it matters. How about Pennsylvania? Still C?


It’s nothing if he doesn’t do anything about it.

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I’m pretty mad. I can’t even imagine how mad I would be if I had busted my ass to deliver those GA senate seats. You can only kick people in the mouth so many times before they stay on the mat.

But what really pisses me off, even more than Manchin being Manchin, is how they’re all 100 fucking years old, and that they will die in comfort without having to see the tragic consequences of their corruption.

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Dems really should have just caved completely to Manchin on climate change and included zero on that in BBB.

C. Biden being nominated means my vote isn’t needed or wanted.


His wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift. Oh wait, that was Sauron.

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Well, that’s definitely not true. Biden himself would tell you that it is both needed and wanted.

However, if you choose to perceive it that way, that’s understandable, I guess. I still think it’s bad.

I think it’s bad to renominate such a feckless and failed candidate. We should avoid such a catastrophe by nominating someone else. I’m hopeful the progressive caucus may see it the same way.

They will probably see it that way. They will try. They will fail. Biden will be the nominee. At that point you need to pick the least objectionable option. Doing anything that increases Florida Man’s chances of winning doesn’t seem consistent with that goal. Although I suppose one could get there with a bit of mental gymnastics.

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The people doing by far the most to increase the chances of Trump winning in 2024 are in high level positions in the Democratic Party.

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Let’s be honest. This is all Sara Gideon’s fault and, by extension, the fault of Chuck Schumer and the DSCC.

And I’m not even going to fall for the conspiracy theory that Democrats are in on it. I believe establishment Dems are ultimately for the most part well-meaning people who don’t understand how the world works. Maybe they once did, but the world has changed. And it’s not because they’re old; there are plenty of under-50 Democrats waiting to fill their shoes with equally out-dated notions.


I know a lot can change but the dem bench is too thin right now. I don’t see it with any current person I’ve heard of anyway.